I feel real sh*tty right now. Why do I feel so alone? The feeling of emptiness I once endured in high school has returned. The people I meet day to day seem friendly enough, until you want to meet them again in which they seem totally disinterested. Sure, they smiled and laughed when you first talked, but the second time around the conversation seemed like a one-way street.
My job at Darien Lake allowed me to meet many people of which were very kind and interested in sustained conversation. Many of them being adults, we'd talk about life and our shared experiences, etc. When I returned to college, the enjoyment and conversation disappeared No one wants to just talk, associate with you. You watch others strain to be polite to you, using one-word responses, trying to brush you of as soon as possible.
I try to come off as a nice guy. My size isn't that frightening....So why do people do this? Why am I forced to be alone? Maybe I'm, I'm just outside looking in.
------------------ "I will remember you...Will you remember me? Don't let your love pass you by...Weep not for the memories..." Sarah McLachlan
[This message has been edited by Jeff Raven (edited September 10, 1999).]
Well Jeff at work it was simple you had a important thing nessacary for any good conversion, time and the willingness to talk (as opposed to wishing to be somewhere else). Without those two factors intellegent conversation is impossible. Example before shifts start where I work I can always have an intellegent conversation, because they always would rather talk than work, and time isn't a problem, but after work forget about it.
Anyway I never have trouble having conversation, but that because of my personality. On the other hand I don't have a girlfriend and have never had a date (G*d D*mn it) in my life, but have lots of female friends, none want to date me stupid, stupid.
------------------ HMS White Star (your local friendly agent of Chaos:-) )
HMS White Star: Don't worry. If you can hang on 'till your late 20's, all the stoopid women will finally figure out that the dumb jocks who abuse them can't be fixed, and that you'd make a better parent anyway. Then you'll have to use a palmtop to keep 'em straight.
Well, I guess this just goes to show "One man's fun is another's Hell" -- (Metallica, "Misery)
You see, I don't LIKE to talk to other people, most of the time. So I have a hard time relating to people who need social acceptance by their peers. I nevar wanted it. (I never had it, either.) I didn't even start making close friends until my LAST year in college.
As for "waiting for a date..." Don't knock it. I actually (and I know this sounds trite) wish I'd waited longer before I got involved. (And _I_ didn't have a gf until I was 22.) I met my current squeeze when I was 26, and we're coming up on our second year together.
(of course, dating slightly older women who have already realized the above-stated truths about Jerks can help, too.)
------------------ "We shall not yield to you, nor to any man." -- Freak, The Mighty.
I'm with First on this one. Social acceptance is of limited value to me. Sure, it's nice to have friends, but I'm content with the four close friends I have now, and all the others are just pleasant sounding background noise. The lack of female companionship is a downer, but I try not to dwell on that.
------------------ Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift. Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift. Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
Social Acceptance is highly overrated. I gave up on it my senior year of High School, and have been alot better off since. All anyone really needs are a few close friends, and those don't just show up out of nowhere. They take a little pursuing on your part. Deep friendships also take a few years to build... it's not going to happen overnight. I'll also remind you that the people at your job were older and less busy. More mature people are more open to conversation about actual interesting things. I'm into the last half of my Sophomore year of College, and I STILL find it hard to find intelligent conversation with other campus students (unless you seek out the recluse people like me). They still want to talk about make-up tips, the Backstreet boys, who's fucking who, and whining about the professors on campus who are "complete assholes". It's something they don't grow out of for a long while, unfortunatly. If people your own age are a problem, why not try upperclassmen? Anyways, if you don't find anyone, don't let it get you down. Sometimes, someone ends up finding you.
About the girl...... stop looking. They come up when you stop trying, and just totally give up on the whole thing, usually. But if that doesn't work, don't worry anyway, because you might think you need it, but you really don't. Honest.
------------------ "If you will not have me as myself, Perhaps as someone else. Perhaps as you, I'll be worth noticing. Then even a eunuch won't resist, The power of one kiss, from such as me. I'll be that girl: and you would be right over. If I were a field, you would be in clover. If I were the sun, you would be in shadow. If I had a gun, there'd be no tomorrow." ~ Barenaked Ladies
How old I am, well I am between 30 and 150 years old . Oh you mean how old I am physically, well I only 20 years old(Oh No, he is one of those old folks).
------------------ HMS White Star (your local friendly agent of Chaos:-) )
Hey I am not 12, well I might look like I am 12, I might not act older that 12, and I watch the same TV that 12 year old watches, but I am not 12, really . Hey why doesn't anyone believe me.
------------------ HMS White Star (your local friendly agent of Chaos:-) )
Yeah the God threads were kind of a pain, but it was nice to see a Flame war on the Flame Board (what a concept actually staying on the board's topic ).
------------------ HMS White Star (your local friendly agent of Chaos:-) )