Well, that's what I think of Bouncer's anyway.One of my mates is at university in Southampton. We've been friends since we were about 12. He was going back to uni on Sunday, so I deceided on Saturday to go out for a drink with him and my flatmates.
Anyway, my and the first mate were the first ones at the train station, so we deceided to go straight to the pub. The Moon and Stars, which we practically lived at during college.
We walk up to the doors, start to go in, when a bouncer walks in front of me. He says "got any ID mate?"
I say, "Er, no. I'm 20"
He says, "so no ID?"
I say, "I'm 20!"
He tries to shoo me off. So I get out my wallet. I have a driving licence (old one, no picture), my Young Person's railcard (photo, lacered, with my date of birth), my uni ID, and about 4 credit cards. They wouldn't let me in. He said I should get a prove it card
I said "Why? I'm 20. I've been coming here for 3 years, and I've NEVER been asked for ID."
And then he told me to fuck off.
So, to all those repressed wankers who were bullied at school and who never, ever had sex until they were 34, and even then the girl looked like my arse, I say this:
Thank you.
"Sorry Wendy, I just can't trust something that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
Mr Garrison
[This message has been edited by PsyLiam (edited January 18, 2000).]