posted January 02, 2001 01:10 PM
Ok, here is a chance for all the critis that reside at Flare, and lo there are many (I must start using lo more often) to sound off on the top ten in a couple of categories from the year past...2000.
Top ten films that you saw this year Top ten albums or songs released tn the year Top books you read this year Top things* of 2000
*Things is a rather open topic, rather a catchall.
Discuss like the wind!
D'oh, I meant to put that in the Lounge, but it will most likely get flamed at some point.
*shrug* ------------------ Oh, yes, sitting. The great leveler. From the mightiest Pharaoh to the lowliest peasant, who doesn't enjoy a good sit? ~C. Montgomery Burns
[This message has been edited by Jay (edited January 02, 2001).]
I saw none. I am incredibly lame. At least, I don't remember many. I think I saw Mission Impossible 2 and Dungeons and Dragons. I didn't pay for the latter. Of the two, I guess MI:2 wins because watered down Woo is better than no Woo at all. Dungeons and Dragons was less painful than blunt trauma, but only slightly. (Though it did feature a couple of hotties.)
Wasp Star, Apple Venus Vol. II, by XTC. The Moon & Antarctica, by Modest Mouse.
Wasp Star is the better album, with a more constant voice and better songwriting. But The Moon & Antarctica is much more ambitious.
10: Being 20. (This also qualifies as one of the worst) 9: Elite Force. (No, really!) 8: Mike Nelson's Movie Megacheese 7: The way my friend's son, who is one year old, refers to me solely as "Ssssssssssss" 6: Six has been omitted due to time constraints and lack of imagination on the part of the author 5: The fancy special edition release of Being John Malkovich 4: A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius 3: A Deepness In The Sky 2: McSweeney's Internet Tendancy 1: Space stations
posted January 02, 2001 01:50 PM
The official rules of the forums say that if a forum moderator posts the first reply to a topic, then the topic shall be moved to that moderator's forum. Unless the moderator is an iguana.
Actually...that's all a lie!
------------------ Frank's Home Page "Brave New World: 'The future sucks. Or does it? Hell if I know. Ooh, LSD!'" - Simon Sizer