I've never hit anything moving. I managed to reverse into parked cars, bollards, old people fairly frequently. And someone once drove into the side of my car, but that was my fault for pulling out of the junction too soon. Still, if it hadn't happened I'd have been stuck working at Pizza Hut all over Christmas, so I didn't really care.
-------------------- Yes, you're despicable, and... and picable... and... and you're definitely, definitely despicable. How a person can get so despicable in one lifetime is beyond me. It isn't as though I haven't met a lot of people. Goodness knows it isn't that. It isn't just that... it isn't... it's... it's despicable.
Registered: Mar 1999
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TSN: What happened to the driver? My memory is still a bit hazy on all of this since then happened when I was 8 years old. I've also never really asked my parents a whole lot about it. I do remember that the police on-scene ticketed the driver for wreckless driving. My parents also filed a law suit against him or his insurance company. A lot of this is really hazy, but the driver was in court with us and admitted wrongdoing. The judge awarded my family $30,000. That was placed into a trust fund that I took possession of on my 18th birthday. What I really can't remember is how my medical bill was paid for. Including everything from the hospital to physical therapy resulted in a bill over $100,000.
-------------------- The philosopher's stone. Those who possess it are no longer bound by the laws of equivalent exchange in alchemy. They gain without sacrifice and create without equal exchange. We searched for it, and we found it.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Which is why I prance about singing the praises of universal health care.
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
Registered: Mar 1999
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I'm glad you weren't hurt though.... car accidents are scary things. Luckily, It's been almost a year since my last one. 'Course I'm still injured from the one before that, but it's just a fact of life now, so why dwell?
Don't be too mad at yourself though-- just learn what you can and move on. If you dwell on it, you'll probably just make yourself crazy!
Oh, and one last thing-- the word of the week is "monkey". Don't forget that, okay?
-------------------- "You are anal twattypoo who has ruined my good mood" PsyLiam to TSN May 01,2006.
Imagine the intersection of Cranbrook and Greenspring Rds: it's a cross, with lights. There are no arrows.
Anyway, a woman on Cranbrook E. was waiting to turn onto Greenside N. Another car on Cranbrook W. was trying to turn onto Greenside S.
Woman made the turn ... and didn't see my friends Saturn at all. He hit her van's sliding door, and is okay (his car, however, isn't. Interesting side note, a year ago this week he wrecked his other Saturn when an old lady pulled out in front of him on Charles St. in Baltimore).
Anywaaaay ... lady's fault (she even got a ticket for blocking Mike's "right of way").
You didn't say where your friend was driving. From the description, I have to assume he was headed north on this "Greenside"?
Registered: Mar 1999
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I have never hit anything at all. The only damage on my car is from my sister's stupidity...
-------------------- "Lotta people go through life doing things badly. Racing's important to men who do it well. When you're racing, it's life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting."
-Steve McQueen as Michael Delaney, LeMans
Registered: Mar 1999
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Now on to the making of films!
Member # 621
QUOTE] I've never hit anything moving. I managed to reverse into parked cars, bollards, old people fairly frequently. And someone once drove into the side of my car, but that was my fault for pulling out of the junction too soon. Still, if it hadn't happened I'd have been stuck working at Pizza Hut all over Christmas, so I didn't really care.[ [/QUOTE]
Well, Liam, that's because you drive on the wrong side of the road...
-------------------- If God didn't want us to fly, he wouldn't have given us Bernoulli's Principle.
Oh... So, the directions you gave in the original anecdote were the direction in which each car was headed. Well, then I had it completely backward...
Registered: Mar 1999
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Lady in van was on Cranbrook east (as in, the right side of Cranbrook Road heading in the east direction), but she was waiting to turn onto Greenside North.
The guy blocking her line of site was on Cranbrook west (as in, the left side of Cranbrook Road heading in the west direction), but he was waiting to turn onto Greenside South.
My friend was traveling west on Cranbrook, in (from her perspective) the far right lane (and in lady in van's POV, the far left lane). She decided to attempt to make the turn, because she didn't see his car.
She pulled out, he slammed on his brakes, but the wet roads (and lack of significant distance) did not provide enough to stop his vehicle in time, and he plowed into her sliding door. His car is in the shop.
The lady's insurance company is footing the bill, and she recieved a ticket for blocking his right of way.
She also threw a fit when he hit her and called him, among other things (and I wasn't there so he could've made all this up -- and I'm sure many of the 'colorful metaphors' were added by him), "the dumbest fucking lousiest sack of shit fuck to ever get a driver's license."
Apparently, she said this right in front of the cop who witnessed it all.
To which he said, "Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you a ticket for blocking this gentlemen's right of way."
And Pizza Hut is quite obviously the best take-away pizza place (or at least it is over here).
-------------------- Yes, you're despicable, and... and picable... and... and you're definitely, definitely despicable. How a person can get so despicable in one lifetime is beyond me. It isn't as though I haven't met a lot of people. Goodness knows it isn't that. It isn't just that... it isn't... it's... it's despicable.