The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
How will this end? *Vorlon spak* In fire. . .
The second installment of the Babylon 5 CapComs appears hot on the heels of the first, but fear not, non-Babylonians, they will be interspersed with Trek ones - and of course there's a quick guide to who's who. These are once again taken from Bob's Babylon 5 Archive - click on the image to visit.
L to R: Captain John Sheridan (Bruce Boxleitner), Commander Susan Ivanova (Clauida Christian)
Sheridan: Good thinking, Ivanova. Activate defense grids!!
Ivanova: Hmmm? I'm sorry, do you want latte or espresso?
S: What??? Where is the tactical control panel?
I: Up on the bridge, duh!? Now do you want coffee or not?
S: What is this? WHERE AM I???
I: "sighs" For the last time, you are on the medical ship "Betty Ford", this is the cafeteria and I am your nurse, Sandy Ivanova. The year is still 2301 and "someone" seems to have forgotten to take their pills!!
------------------ An object lowered into acid does NOT push away it's weight in acid.
Ivanova: "I don't know what happened, sir! It's just... I couldn't resist. The urge was so strong. But I can't believe I actually asked how big his bum was in that."
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
Sheridan: "Oh, what now? Their throats hurt? They just got into the damn studio! I swear, if I have to stare into the collective blank stare of one more boy band, I'm gonna kill something."
Ivanova: "Just chill, man. We'll just put a little reverb on what we got so far and stretch it out a notch, dig?"
------------------ "Just because you're floating doesn't mean you haven't drowned." -- They Might Be Giants