1. What will you give me for this food?
- Is that a gun, or are you happy to see me??2. How is it possible to mistake a hamster for a powdered jelly donut?
- Depending how much you drank the night before, you could be hungover, not having shaved your tongue yet .. it can happen !!
3. What are the ingredients of Adobo?
- After a 26oz-er of Rye .. who cares, anything'll taste good !!
4. Please give a reasonable way to resolve world conflict and restore peace to the world. You have 30 seconds.
- Have everyone in the world start giggling like porky pig.. we'll too busy laughing at each other to care about the world's strife.
5. Or would you rather be a fish?
- I'm much better at being a Nut !! Can I be a vegetable?? Or .. maybe a clown.. oh.. no .. A Fish?
6. Where can you find the Sacred Pastry? And what fillings do they come in? (blueberry doesn't count).
- Sacred Pastry is located 2 stars to left and just a little past the Nexus. And fillings: Well the best one is the Cream-filled-Oreo-cookie-pecan-dum-dum-budweiser flavours.
7. Why did I just ask that?
- Cuz - 'Nuff Said
8. Is Hell exothermic or endothermic? You may not use a dictionary or chemistry book. Be creative.
It is both... It is first Exothermic .. cuz it's so darn hot.. then it becomes endothermic as your endoskeleton burns to a crisp.
9. Anyone know what's in "Sex on the Beach" ?
- I don't remember !!
10. How do you convince your imaginary friends that they need to go away before they invite pets and breed?
- Too late .. When someone actually has a good suggestion, I'll try it and let you know if it works!!
I feel more like I do now, then when I first got here!! :)
- Alshrim Dax
The Other Dax;