While Gepta's eating, A-Ha, Duran-Duran or Glass Tiger (Whoever sang that 'hungry like the wolf' song) come over and rip the food away. "We're hungry like the wolf, dammit. And now we're nobody's."
------------------ "I've never seen anything this beautiful in the entire galaxy. Alright, give me the bomb" -Ultra Magnus, Fight or Flee
Suddenly, the Grateful dead appeared singing "Dire Wolf". Unfortunately, when they sang the line "Don't murder me", Eddington decided, just to be contrary, to phaser them all. A lightning bolt promptly came out of nowhere and vaporized Eddington.
"What the...?!" exclaimed Ensign Oftheweek. "I thought they proved in 2178 that there is no god in the 'lightning bolt zaps you if you do something wrong' sense..."
"True," replied one of the birds on the barbecue grill, "but even the universe cannot tolerate such a blatant obscenity as the destruction of the Grateful Dead."
------------------ "'...This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it!' cried the Spirit stretching out its hand towards the city. 'Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And abide the end!'" -Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
As everything settled down, a rabid stuffed spider came trampling through Ensign Oftheweek's prized Tomato plants, and ate all of the Barbequed food.
Ensign Oftheweek reached in the open picnic basket and...
...eight or nine Vikings singing "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, lovely Spam, wonderful Spam" came in, took it away from him, and devoured it in one fell swoop.
------------------ "'...This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it!' cried the Spirit stretching out its hand towards the city. 'Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And abide the end!'" -Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol
Frowning, Oftheweek walks over to the replicator to obtain some more Spam.
"Spam." "There are 42 varieties of Spam on record. Eggs and Spam; eggs, bacon, and Spam; eggs, bacon, sausage, and Spam--" "Spam. Just plain, normal Spam."
Suddenly, the replicator explodes in the approved manner for a Starfleet control surface. You'd think they'd learn to use fuses or at least stop running the EPS conduits right under the consoles....
...and says: Anybody got any booze for a robot who's down on his luck?
The whole room points him to a bottle of Romulan ale and a barrel of bloodwine. He promptly downs the barrell of bloodwine, takes a swig of the ale, and passes out.
Gepta's chillin under some missil toe and ashley judd walks over and kissen him, just then Q snaps his fingers and they both dissapear. everyone is on the DS9 promenade and it's snowing,and father christmas is handing out christmas presents to everyone, even Q!!
------------------ funniest TV quote.....
"A small penis is a clean penis" -Matt Real World Hawaii
Picard raises the phaser to his dead Nephew's head - your NOT my NEPHEW! - he was taller had an accent and straight hair - he also played me at a younger age!
"There are FOUR LIGHTS!" ahhh errr
*fires phaser*
------------------ "Its a CLOCK!" - Sisko, "Dramatis Personae" DS9.