Oh wait, that's Free Willy. Anyway, here's the return of Species, Starship or Anomaly.
Ask away.
20 Questions Remaining.
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
Has the SSA been in only one episode/movie?
------------------ Frank's Home Page John Linnell: "This song is's called..." Audience: "Louisiana! Montana!" John Linnell: Don't tell me what it's called..."
Yes, it has only been in one episode/movie.
19 Questions left.
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
I would've replied earlier, but I was in school. I'm home for lunch.
Anyway, no it is not natural.
18 Questions remaining.
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
-Jack Handey
[This message has been edited by Ultra Magnus (edited January 31, 2000).]
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
------------------ I bet when Neanderthal kids would make a snowman, someone would always end up saying "Don't forget the big heavy eyebrows." Then they would all get embarrassed because they remembered they had the big hunky eyebrows too, and then they would get mad and eat the snowman.
------------------ " might be easier to study ancient societies from distant orbit than it might be to sit next to the Guardian of Forever with a tricorder." - Baloo, January 2000