Don't count your boobies until they're hatched!
------------------ -It's a free society, except there's nothing free, there's no guarantees y'know, you're on your own. It's like, "law of the jungle"!
*re a few posts up* [Annoying bitch announcer on Sky] Stay with us on Sky, because right after the break we've got
"WHEN NATURAL DISASTERS GO WRONG!" [/Annoying bitch announcer on Sky]
------------------ Remember December '59 The howling wind and the driving rain, Remember the gallant men who drowned On the lifeboat, Mona was her name.
------------------ -It's a free society, except there's nothing free, there's no guarantees y'know, you're on your own. It's like, "law of the jungle"!
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
------------------ "Hello and welcome to 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?' The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter - just like a condom to a Trekkie." - Drew Carey, Whose Line Is It Anyway?
------------------ "You say don't fear your dreams, it's easier than it seems. You say you'd never let me fall, from hopes so high. But never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie." - Fiona Apple
Saiyanman Benjita 2012. This time, why not the worst?
Member # 122
------------------ Well I'm a Bada$$ cowboy living in a cowboy day wicky-wicky-wak yo yo bang bang me and Artemus Clydefrog go save Selma Hayek from the big metal spider Wicky-wicky-wak wicky-wicky-wicky-wak Bada$$ cowboy from the West Si-yiide