And, last I heard, it hadn't been officially accepted as the name of that particular element, anyway.
------------------ "If the rope is a quarter of a Zeuslength in size, then the Defiant shalt most naturally be seven times the thirty-second part of a Zeuslength?" -Boris Skrbic, 27-Sep-2000
Have they got the other ones, too? Rutherfordium, hahnium, seaborgium, meitnerium, uh... I think there's another one...?
------------------ "If the rope is a quarter of a Zeuslength in size, then the Defiant shalt most naturally be seven times the thirty-second part of a Zeuslength?" -Boris Skrbic, 27-Sep-2000
Ah, hassium... I thought it started w/ an 'h'...
And I've usually seen the name "seaborgium" for the one you say isn't discovered. And I was under the impression those had all been found...
------------------ "If the rope is a quarter of a Zeuslength in size, then the Defiant shalt most naturally be seven times the thirty-second part of a Zeuslength?" -Boris Skrbic, 27-Sep-2000
1. well driller's decision - boron, B 2. to press laundry - iron, Fe 3. policeman - copper, Cu 4. mother's sister's cash - antimony, Sb 5. where dishes are washed - zinc, Zn 6. foolish prisoner - silicon, Si 7. original natives of North America - indium, In 8. water and gin - hydrogen, H 9. shown the way - lead, Pb 10. I sit down to dinner - iodine, I 11. a Ford product - mercury, Hg 12. popular flowering house plant - germanium, Ge 13. have the sniffles - gold, Au 14. a United States citizen - americum, Am 15. don't take any wooden... - nickel, Ni 16. Good...; a person who helps - smarium, Sm 17. ...pop - sodium, Na 18. a lisping child's term for listening - lithium, Li 19. technician - technetium, Tc 20. Lone ranger's horse - silver, Ag 21. to endure or tolerate an injury - sulfer, S 22. the surface you walk on at home - flourine, F 23. leg joint above the calf - neon, Ne 24. a spice - erbium, Er 25. a blitz by police - radium, Ra; radon, Rn 26. ...on the Range - holmium, Ho 27. ...of Arabia - lawrencium, Lr 28. dull chemistry lecture - bohrium, Bh; boron, B 29. Golden Gate Bridge site - californium, Cf 30. ...bladder or ...stones - gallium, Ga 31. European Country - germanium, Ge; francium, Fr 32. another European Country - scandium, Sc; polonium, Po 33. repair clothes - mendelevium, Md 34. 50 % - halfnium, Hf 35. larger than a coyote - wolfram (tungsten), W 36. God of the Lower World (most remote planet) - plutonium, Pu 37. God of the Sea (also a planet) - neptunium, Np 38. the continent east of us - europium, Eu 39. playing a part or role - actinium, Ac 40. to brown a roast - cerium, Ce 41. girl's names - molybdenum, Mo 42. doctors do this - helium, He 43. doctors do this too - curium, Cm 44. funeral homes do this - barium, Ba 45. cowboys do this to horses - rohdium, Rh 46. "...anything to keep him quiet" says mother to father - tellerium, Te 47. grab him - cesium, Cs 48. I get him off my back - iridium, Ir
------------------ "Incest! A game the whole family can play!" -Jonah Rapp