I finally saw the first part of unimatrix zero part one this week. Not a bad episode however in one scene the borg queen says "we see you soon harry". I was wondering what does this mean? I cannot wait to see the second part although i will have to wait a few months either on video or on Sky.
------------------ "We set sail on this new sea because their is new knowledge to be gained and new rights to be won" John F Kennedy
Yeah... to bad it'll probably lead to nothing. I don't have faith in Voyager's writing to actually foreshadow several episodes ahead. Now had something like that occured on DS9 I'm sure it would of been resolved. But then again, the writers on DS9 knew what they were doing.
------------------ Calvin: "Nothing spoils fun like finding out it builds character." This post sponsered in part by the Federation Starship Datalink
(Spoiler) $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ "We'll see you soon, Harry" means...Absolutely nothing! The Queen doesn't mention Harry again. This was presumably just some filler line to keep the audience guessing about something, and that the writers had no intention of following up upon later.
------------------ Homer: "Weaseling out of bets is what separates man from all the other animals...except the weasel."
Well, that could at least be construed as a plot device. Wasn't there something in that scene where the contact said something about how they were even now, anyway?
The line about Harry is meaningless. It didn't serve any purpose, whatsoever. Plot? No. Character development? No. Humor? No. Suspense? Maybe, but failed. Idiocy? Oh, wait. That's it...
------------------ Teal'c: "I am a traitor to no-one." Jaffa woman: "Except your god!" Teal'c: "False god! Dead false god..." -Stargate: SG-1, "Into the Fire"
Then again, even though the writers had no plans when they wrote the line, they may come up with something interesting in a later episode. The best things in TNG and DS9 began that way - the Borg were nothing but throwaway insectoid aliens-of-the-week originally; Worf was a barely speaking bridge extra; and the Dominion was just a random name dropped in a couple of 2nd season episodes back when the writers didn't have an inkling of what to do with it.
And the link between Odo's past and the Dominion was something the writers only came up with in a REWRITE of "The Search".