Apr 2371 Distance to Earth:75000 light years Apr 2371-December 2373 1168 light years covered Distance to Earth:73832 light years covered December 2373 9500 light year leap thanks to Kes Distane to Earth:64332 light years to Earth December 2373-December 2374 438 light years covered Distance to Earth:63894 light years December 2374 300 light year leap thank to copying the Dauntless slipstream drive. Distance to Earth:63594 light years from Earth January 2375 2500 light year leap thanks to wormhole in the void. Distance to Earth:61094 light years January 2375-June 2375 219 light Years covered Distance to Earth:60875 light years June 2375 10000 light years covered thanks to re-using and modifying the dauntless slipstream drive. Distance to Earth:50875 light years COURSE CORRECTION HUGE DENSITY OF BORG CONTROLLED SPACE DETECTED REVERSE COURSE AT WARP 8. Distance to Earth:51275 light years September 2375 Sucessful Use of Borg Transwarp Coil Distace to Earth:31275 light years September 2375-December2375:110 light years covered Distance to Earth:31165 light years January 2376-Apr 2376:146 light years covered Distance to Earth:31019 light years Apr 2376 200 light years leap thanks to the Vadwaur conduits Distance to Earth:30819 light years Apr 2376-Aug 2376:146 light years covered Distance to Earth:30673 light years Aug 2376 600 light years covered thank to machine in "The Voyager Conspiracy" Distance to Earth:30073 light years Voyager starts to slow down as fuel reserves are low Aug 2376-Dec 2376:73 light years covered Dstance to Earth as of December 2376:30000 light years
------------------ "I rather strongly disagree, even if I share the love of Dick. Speaking of which, that would be the most embarrasing .sig quote ever, so never use it."
I'm a bit tired right now, I don't think I have my own calculations with me right now, and as I've said many times before, a lot of these distances are open to interpretation (i.e., no one can say exactly for sure how far Voyager's travelled). However, I will say this right now:
Voyager's starting distance has been given as both 70,000 ly and 75,000 ly. But 70,000 ly has to be right. Let's go with a few assumptions:
The galaxy has a radius of 50,000 ly, and is flat enough that we can effectively treat it two-dimensionally.
Voyager was thrown into the Delta Quadrant.
Earth is on the Alpha/Beta border, or at least is so close we can effectively treat it as such.
Earth is at most 25,000 ly from the galactic core, according to the most recent measurements.
Now, try finding a spot where a 75,000 ly radius circle centered at (0,-25000) is inside a 50,000 ly radius circle centered at (0,0). The only place it does is at (0,50000), which is the farthest edge of the galaxy on the Delta/Gamma border. Now try moving the center of the 75,000 ly radius circle towards the center of the galaxy a bit. This causes the 75,000 ly circle to never intersect with the 50,000 ly circle.
Therefore, if Earth is less than 25,000 from the galactic core, and Voyager was thrown 75,000 ly from Earth, then Voyager would have been thrown out of the galaxy entirely, which we know it wasn't.
Change the 75,000 ly radius to 70,000, centered at the same place. Now it intersects the 50,000 radius circle in the mathematical Quadrant I, which corresponds to the Delta Quadrant.
Therefore, Voyager must have started out 70,000 ly from Earth.
------------------ "The only good thing about this film is the edible chocolate roaches they gave out. Mmm, mmm... Wait a minute, edible roaches don't crawl. Edible roaches don't crawl!"
If it was at the edge of the galaxy, the stars would have been weird, or non-existent. Or at the very least, very very thinly spread.
------------------ "And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!" -Bubbles
Yeah.. Darkstar, haven't you ever read any of our suggestions to support your statements with evidence? Without it, your posts are more nuissance than nicety. At the very least, could you state when your posts are based on some sort of fact, or made up in your brain? Please?
------------------ "Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"
quote: I'm a bit tired right now, I don't think I have my own calculations with me right now, and as I've said many times before, a lot of these distances are open to interpretation (i.e., no one can say exactly for sure how far Voyager's travelled). However, I will say this right now:
God help us all, if he gets a cup of coffee.
------------------ I DO NOT ENJOY BOTH GENDERS!!! Ultra Magnus
Truelly, all our calculations are belong to him.
------------------ "And Mojo was hurt and I would have kissed his little boo boo but then I realized he was a BAD monkey so I KICKED HIM IN HIS FACE!" -Bubbles