OK, so I finally got around to buying video 7.7 with Repentence and Prophecy on it.OK, both episodes weren't too bad. I had no idea what the firt episode was going to be about and I was PLEASANTLY suprised - this turned out to be a really really good episode. Nothing ground-breaking but definately Trek, definately though-provoking and in the tradition of quite a few of these types of Voyager episodes they don't end the episode how you would suspect... which make them more enjoyable. Good episode. A credit to the two guest actors who manipulated our emotions as they did... the 'baddy' and the 'goodie' who turned out to be the opposite in the end.
The Klingon episode... OK, I again didn't know what to expect - but I had heard more about this episode than others. On one hand it was good, on another it was very good, on another it was totally CRAP (Yes, just call me Lt. Arex).
The Klingon captain... is he the most polite klingon we've EVER met!?! It was sort of Klingons meet Bajorans!
A mention that the D7s haven't been in service for decades. So those aren't D7's in Way Of The Warrior - unless they pulled them out of storage.
Was the Klingon ship supposed to be so much bigger than Voyager!?!
The BEST parts of this episode - even though there was 200+ klingons on board... we had a TRUELY ensemble episode (even Chakotay - ok he basically gets smacked down by a klingon - but he DID something ;o)) I guess he even did chime in for their spiritual beliefs.
The best was from the most unlikely of sources... Harry Kim, Neelix and Tuvok! GREAT STUFF - I was in stitches. That Klingon woman - who didn't look half bad - Harry what's your PROBLEM!?! Wasn't she dead-enough for you or something!?!
Neelix becoming enamoured with Klingons... great stuff! Neelix moving in with Tuvok - pure hilarity! Great. That Klingon Female LOL - Chegara goooo Nelix!
The episode did become a little PLODDY in the middle, I found myself at one stage going 'oh hurry up this is crap' - I was sorta jolted awake when things were getting a little slow... but as soon as it got slow... the pace picked up again at double speed and we got a really great second half!
"Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)
I'm LIZZING! - Liz Lemon (30 Rock)