Yes, it doesn't quite translate literally, but the same discussion was had over "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges". There are expressions out there. I'm fluent enough too but I didn't quite get how it translated to "End of an Era".
It's a proper name there? Didn't know that.
------------------ "Audaces fortuna juvat." "Fortune favours the bold."
"Fin de Si�cle" is actually a proper name in that it is some cultural-historical term for the end of the 19th century. Maybe there are some literates out there who can enlighten us on this topic.
As a matter of fact, that's how the Japanese title the episodes of many shows...
------------------ Dead End: "If we surrender our energon we're doomed." Breakdown: "And if we don't we're doomed too." Dead End: "Face it. We're doomed."
More like "Starfleet fights the Dominion!" or something along those lines. Of course, I don't know if they do in fact title Star Trek episodes this way...
------------------ Dead End: "If we surrender our energon we're doomed." Breakdown: "And if we don't we're doomed too." Dead End: "Face it. We're doomed."