Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33
I did not watch TDDUP, so I have a question: Does Damar know about Dukat's plan and why he wanted to have himself surgically altered to become Bajoran? What I'm saying is that now that the Cardassians have defected from the Dominion, would Damar tell the Feds about Dukat's intentions about Bajor?
------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
He's previously seen Dukat possessed by that Pah Wraith dude, and Dukat made a visit to Damar after being altered, so he probably knows that Dukat is insane. Damar didn't even tell Weyoun about it (not that it mattered), so I doubt he would tell the Feds. Damar probably thinks Dukat is doing everything in the best interest of Cardassia, and that's what he wants.