I knew that hand-wringing wet towel of a president would be kicked out by the voters.. Now they'll have a "Churchill" as president. Kicking some Dominion butt, charismatic enough to get Earth boiling mad over events from "TCFofE", instead of whimpering like babies.
Exclusive interview follows:
President's office, Paris - January 5, 2375
Good evening citizens. I'm Bulge Temptingly, and tonight FNN is proud to present the first interview with new UFP President Montgomery.
Good evening to you Mr President, may I say you look particularly foxy today.
You may Bulge, but don't get any ideas. I have a phaser under my desk.
Sir, what message do you think your landslide election sends to the Dominon?
A very clear one Bulge.
Er, that being?
The very clear message that the Fedeation has made it's mind up in deciding for a new leader, a strong leader. A leader who can not only guide troops into victory in the battlefield, but also inspire them with his words, his fashion sense, and his sheer, undistilled charisma.
So you forsee an upturn in our fortunes in the conflict with the Domiion as a result of your election?
That's not the question Bulge. The real question is whether the Dominon appreciates the seriousness of this situation. And I intend to make it clear to them at every opportunity, that this most unequivocably, means war.
But this is already a war.
As I just stated Bulge. This is most definitely a serious situation of the upmost seriousness.
And changing the subject if i may, what is your reaction to press allegations that you had a member of your staff beamed former president Inyo's keynote State of the Federation address out of his briefcase to make him look stupid in front of the Council?
Well Mr Temptingly, I think it depends...on what the meaning of the word "is" is....
"Now then, I believe Random Pavarotti disease is a psychological ailment and we should find it in the otherworldliness of Vince's brain."
"Ohw, rubbish. I reckon Random Pavarotti disease is a physical condition......
Let's go and look at 'is bum!"
-Rex the Runt