I'm sure this question has been asked before, but would someone mind explaining to me how these two got so drunk and then got so sober? It's not really biologically possible. Granted, by the point they show Cochrane the Enterprise in the telescope, they might have been on their way to full recovery, but what about by the early morning? Troi looked spectacular (Cochrane is a bit crusty for my taste, so I may be a little biased there).
OK, so what time was it when they first got there? Well, things in the movie aren't quite right. When we see the sphere firing at the surface, the level of light would indicate twilight in Montana. When we look from the surface, we can see every star in the sky. OK, so how about human schedules as an approximation? Cochrane looks like an alcoholic, so let's at very earliest assume he felt like staying out till 12 midnight, probably more considering what a party animal he was (which he alludes to later in reference to naked women). There is a problem with this though. Everyone was out in the middle of the woods, and many were not exactly asleep in their beds yet (are they all party animals?) But, still, 12 mindnight seems reasonable to me (unless anyone has another good approximation, in which case, say it!)
So, here we are to the effect of alcohol. Troi had three tequilas she said she had before Riker found her (in order to get his identity), plus the one we saw her have. It is extremely likely she had more to drink, since she also said she had to have a drink to talk with him. How many before the three shots is unknown: we'll get to that later. So here's where she should have stood...
1 shot = 1.5 ounces = 45 milliliters
Tequila (typical 80 proof) contains 40% ETOH by volume
40% ETOH X 45 ml tequila = 18 ml ETOH per shot of tequila
4 drinks = 72 ml ETOH in her, plus the amount undetermined before she got his identity
Human liver can dispose of 10 ml per hour of ETOH, making at least seven hours before she's her regular empathetic self again. For every drink of tequila more she had, add another 1.8 hours recovery.
So how did they come out so sober? Does Starfleet carry vials of alcohol dehydrogenase to speed up getting sober? (Can I get a few of those vials for myself for when I need a Foster's before class?) Are the writers paying attention to something so obvious on the set (or in the editing room?)
------------------ "Warfare is the greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the Tao to survivial or extinction. It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed."
"...attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy's army without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence."
Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33
In the scene where Riker and Cochrane are in the cockpit, Cochrane says that he still has a hangover from either the medication the Doctor had, or the phaser blast that Riker hit him with. (I believe that was what he said, unless someone can correct me) As for the Earth Light problem, probably just a nit that has probably already been picked.
------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
1. They do have something to sober you up. 2. I've been under open, none light polluted skys in Mich. in early fall. Beautiful doesn't begin to cover it. The Milky Way in all it's glory. Spring in Montana can't be all that different. It could have been anywhere between 7pm and Midnight. Troi could have had five or six drinks before midnight and been stable without med help by 1 or 2. (I have some Tekillya experience, six shots and two beers in a couple of hours, and I could still walk, sorta). 3. The writing has gotten that bad. They just don't pay attention to detail like they used to.
What bothered me a lot more was that the Borg fired several torps. into the area, and did little damage. With the tech the Borg have, you would think they could have wasted the whole area in a couple of shots. First Contact is low on my list of trek movies.
------------------ WHO ARE YOU
[This message has been edited by Kosh (edited July 01, 1999).]
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
Have you considered it might be the next night? Don't forget there were meant to be a couple of days between their arrival and the flight, but we only saw one period of daylight. . . but then the time is screwed up in the film. At one point they say they've arrived "the day before First Contact," at another they say they've got a couple of days. . .
Registered: Mar 1999
| IP: Logged
Perhaps Troi's half Betazoid biology lets her sober up faster than a human can. Perhaps her liver can process ethanol faster than the human liver can. As for Cochrane, if he drinks a lot and has become more tolerant towards alcohol then perhaps we could say that he could get drunk one night and then be able to work somewhat normally the next day. Or they got an injection off screen.
Normally I just overlook these small inconsistencies, if I keep paying attention to them they tend to spoil the movie.
------------------ "But, it was so artistically done." -Grand Admiral Thrawn
I do reccomend the Book, By JM Dillard I think. It gives you a whole different perspective on Cockrahne.
book spoiler $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$
$ $ $ He is supposed to have a chemical imbalance, and has not been able to get the meds for a cew years. Drinking kept him going at times. Dr. Crusher provided a permenent cure after the flight. I liked this explanation. For those of you who know, his behaveior was consistant with that idea.
At the beginning, they say they've arrived the day before "First Contact" (*still thinks it's annoying when they refer to it like it's the only one*), and, coming out of the bar, Lily suggests that the Phoenix launch is the next morning. I think there are also a couple other references, so I'd say it's rather certain that the whole thing (from the time they travelled back in time) took place in a span of less than 24 hours.
------------------ Pierce: "We're back!" Winchester: "Yes, like a burp from a bad onion..." -some episode of M*A*S*H that I happened to see
David, come on, it's just a movie. Who cares? I mean Arthur got pretty faced in those Arthur movies.
------------------ I was right in the middle of a f*cking reptile zoo. And somebody was giving booze to these goddam things." Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas