posted November 10, 1999 06:27 AM
Did anyone else notice that Starfleet's original mission on DS9, that of bringing Bajor into the Federation, seems to have been lost during the last season.
The last time it was really mentioned was when Sisko started having those visions. This was around the same time the producers decided Sisko really was the Emissary.
I'm wondering if now that the war is over they'll be admitted.
Will we get a one liner in the next movie like: "Captain's Log: The Enterprise remains docked at DS9 after my attending the final admittance ceremony welcoming Bajor into the Federation. All systems are functioning and we'll departing to start the movie in about an hour..."
What do you think? Is this an important enough issue for the creators to give us some more info on? Personally, I loved Kira in that Starfleet Uniform...
posted November 10, 1999 09:01 AM
Yeah, she did look pretty good in Starfleet wear.
------------------ Calvin: "I'm a man of few words." Hobbes: "Maybe if you read more, you'd have a larger vocabulary." Federation Starship Datalink - Now with a pop-up on every page...damn you Tripod!
posted November 10, 1999 05:01 PM
I always wondered who had command of DS9 now. Does Kira? If so, is the first officer Bajor or Starfleet? She should get command.
------------------ All hands, abandon ship! All hand, abandon... BOOM!
posted November 10, 1999 06:20 PM
Shouldn't this have spoiler warnings? Anyway, SPOILER.
As of the end of DS9, Kira was in command of the station. Starfleet ran the station for seven years at the request of the Bajoran government. Perhaps the Bajorans are now ready to take on a more active role, with Starfleet continuing to provide support.
------------------ "If you are going to be my girlfriend please don't dump me after I like you." -- Michael
posted November 12, 1999 12:35 AM
Well Kira taking command of the station for a time isn't without precedent. She did it before when Sisko left between seasons.
Personally, I think the next time we see something about DS9, we'll see anew Starfleet captain commanding the station (one which noone really likes). It'll also involve Sisko's return and Bajor's entrance into the Fed.
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
posted November 12, 1999 01:59 AM
Nah. Why insist on another Federation officer? Kira can do the job.
The idea I have has Kira commanding DS9 which has become the centre for training and conversion of Bajoran militia into Starfleet. It's also 5 years later and she's a Captain, emphasizing when Sisko returns (from wherever it is he's been, he says vaguely, always mindful of spoilers) how everyone has moved on. And that's all you're getting for now! 8P
Oh, BTW: this purpose - it wouldn't be a special purpose by any chance? 8)
------------------ Remo Williams: "Chiun, you're amazing!" Chiun: "No! I am BETTER than that!"
posted November 14, 1999 05:52 PM
Well, it depends on how the agreement to operate the station has changed. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those positions have been taken over by their Bajoran counterparts.
------------------ "And if we weren't good to you, Dave, you shouldn't take it all the way to your grave." -- Will Rigby
posted November 14, 1999 05:59 PM
I would say that Bashir's overdue for a promotion, but in his case he was lucky not to get cashiered out of Starfleet.
IP: Logged
posted November 15, 1999 12:49 AM
Didn't Bashir get a promotion a couple years ago? And yes, that genetic enhansement thing will probably bump him to the bottom of the list.
I think the idea of DS9 becoming a training center is great. But think of the tension of a Captain in command that is a pain in the a$$ making Bajor's admittance into the Fed a pain for Kira (cause she thinks she can do the job better too). I just think it would be a very Starfleet thing for Starfleet to do, insisting that another Fleet officer run the show.
posted November 16, 1999 08:31 AM
With Odo gone, Quark would already have retired by now on the profits he made within one fortnight of Odo's departure.
------------------ Devil: Oh look at the time! I'm late for services. Stone: Services? Devil: A group of young teenagers that have been celebrating the Black Sabbath are planning on deep-sixing their gym teacher tonight. I'm gonna go and give them a little encouragement.