posted October 05, 1999 04:55 PM
Recently, in a thread in the Designs Forum, Berd posted a link to a site called the Star Trek Dimension which has an interesting stellar cartography section. I've taken special notice to two particular images presented therein:
This is the more fascinating of the two. It was originally seen in TNG's "Conspiracy". This apparently updated version was used in DS9. Among other things, it shows the locations of Trill, the Tholian Assembly, and the Klingon and Romulan homeworlds.
This is a section of the huge stellar cartography display in ST7. Unfortunately, only two stars on it (Wolf359 and Canopus) are real, so it may be difficult to use for mapping purposes.
Does anyone thing they can accurately (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) match the first (and maybe even the second) picture up to real space and find stars to match the unknowns?
------------------ "It'd be a pity if every pencil on Earth suddenly collapsed in on itself and blew everything up." -Krenim, TNO chat, September 30, 1999
posted October 07, 1999 11:32 PM
Actually, Chris, the webmaster of ST Dimension, has been trying to match it with real stars for some time. I have a star chart which I still have to scan that shows the direct neighbor planets of Earth in 3D, but I fear the ST7 chart extends farther to the west (or south), maybe around 100 LY.
posted October 08, 1999 01:02 AM
That Conspiracy chart is a crock - its just there to look pretty... some things just DON'T gel - how can Ferenginar be a sector away from The First Federation and know one know about the Ferengi until TNG season 1 2364
------------------ "The story..." Londo says, "is not over yet. The story is never over."
posted October 08, 1999 05:46 PM
Well, basically, no matter where you put the Ferengi, it's going to seem odd that no-one knew about them until TNG. Unless you put them really far away, in which case it wouldn't make sense that they seem to be all over the place afterward...
------------------ "It'd be a pity if every pencil on Earth suddenly collapsed in on itself and blew everything up." -Krenim, TNO chat, September 30, 1999
posted October 11, 1999 05:13 AM
Remember, though, they did know about the Ferengi, they just didn't know what they looked like or a whole lot about them. No direct contact had been made prior to the Ent D, but they had attacked the Stargazer. Likely, Starfleet knew SOMEONE inhabited that space, but had no cultural contact with them.
Though, their relationship with the Federation and other civilizations seems to have progressed quite quickly....
posted October 11, 1999 04:13 PM
Seeing how Ferengi society has changed over the years, I'd say the Federation aren't the ones who should have been worried.
------------------ "Quadrilateral I was, now I warp like a smile." -- Soul Coughing