Now on to the making of films!
Member # 621
posted April 20, 2010 05:37 AM
(Hope this doesn't qualify as spam, been a member here since the turn of the century!)
So my friends and I do a podcast called Down In Front where we record our own commentaries for movies. We just released an episode for the new Star Trek movie, if you guys were interested in listening to it, and we also have a forum with a pretty lively discussion, if you were interested in weighing in. I'm the only hardcore Star Trek fan on the panel, next to a more casual fan (Ryan Wieber of "Ryan Versus Dorkman" fame) and two people for whom the new movie serves as their introduction to Trek (Michael "Dorkman" Scott of same, and Teague Chrystie). Trey Stokes of "Pink Five" fame is also one of the main panelists, a fan of the original Trek, and is weighing in on the discussion in the forum thread.
I'm kind of under assault from a lot of directions (including from Ryan and Trey) about my opinions of the new movie, which aren't favorable. I have a problem with the new design, ironically, one similar to the debate we had about the NX-01 so many years ago, it doesn't look like the designers tried to put themselves in the minds of engineers when designing it. Then there are the issues of the giant nonsensical plot holes, coincidences, and major discontinuity between how time travel has always worked in Star Trek (i.e. "Let's fix it!") to how it works now ("Oops, it's changed forever, nothing to be done about it.")
The commentary can be found on the front page of our website at downinfront.net and the thread can be found in the forum section.
-------------------- If God didn't want us to fly, he wouldn't have given us Bernoulli's Principle.
Registered: Jun 2001
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Teh PW
Self Impossed Exile (This Space for rent)
Member # 1203
posted April 20, 2010 03:44 PM
instead of banning him, can we make him sext him/herself to all of us?
Now on to the making of films!
Member # 621
posted April 20, 2010 05:23 PM
Seriously, Charles, please don't ban me. I have in fact been on this board for close to a decade. If this crosses the line, then close it, bump it to the Creativity forum or do whatever you have to do.
I just figured there's a lively discussion about Star Trek going on somewhere in the universe and that you guys might be interested in participating.
As for Youtube, not really, not Down in Front anyway, with the exception of compilation clip thing that Ryan created, which you can find on DorkmanScott's Youtube channel. The commentaries themselves are on iTunes, though, as well as stremable from the site.
Registered: Jun 2001
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posted April 20, 2010 11:53 PM
Yeah you've been here a while, so I guess it's okay. Though I would think this belongs in the Creativity section of the forum, wouldn't it?
Registered: Feb 2005
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posted April 21, 2010 11:45 AM
I'd say we're in good agreement that the movie, though an amusing way to waste two hours, fails to hold up to any significant scrutiny.