Yes, here's my take on the "Temporal Cold War," based on what we've seen so far...When?
Granted, "when" is a subjective term when dealing with temporal mechanics, but I mean the timeframe in which the powers behind this cold war exist. A lot of people seem to think it has to be the 29th Century, but that simply isn't so. There's a whole lot of time between the 24th Century and the 29th Century, and certainly a lot more time after the 29th Century. For all we know, Braxton's era comes centuries before or after the cold war.
So far, our only clue as to who is involved in this cold war is Future Guy (I'm not ready to call him Evil Future Guy yet, we don't really know his motives). Future Guy (or Humanoid Figure, as he's offically called) is a shadowy figure dressed in black. Furthermore, he appears to be human or a humanoid with very minor prosthetics. I'd like to point out now that, while its certainly possible, I won't start annoying people by claiming the Krenim are behind this all.
Furthermore, because the term "cold war" seems to imply there are major powers behind this, and that Future Guy is not just some nutcase out to alter history, we might very well see other Future Guys. Who says the Future Guy in "Broken Bow" is the only person allowed to contact the Suliban?
So far, the Suliban only seem to have been ordered to disrupt the Klingon Empire. Since our knowledge of the 22nd Century is quite limited, I won't speculate as to how this benefits Future Guy's side.
Like I said, we know little about why Future Guy would want to help the Suliban or trouble the Klingons.
The Suliban leader communicates with Future Guy in his temporal chamber. The temporal weirdness in this chamber seems to affect both Future Guy and those in the chamber proper. We don't know how the Suliban got the chamber. I doubt they built the thing in hopes that somebody fighting a temporal cold war would show up and tell them cool stuff. I have a bizzare theory that the chamber isn't in the present. The Suliban leader was just walking along one day, stepped through a doorway, and wound up in the temporal chamber. He and Future Guy just agreed that if he wanted to return to the chamber later, he's step through a certain doorway. It's weird, I know, but it sort of makes sense...
Here, I'll go into speculation about how Enterprise will relate to the other series. The way I see it, there are a few possibilities, but only a few are viable:
1. Alterations in timeline are not corrected, all series except Enterprise never happened. This would seriously tick off the fans, so I doubt this is what happens.
2. Alterations in timeline are corrected, Enterprise never happens. This would seriously tick off Enterprise fans, plus it makes the whole series pretty pointless. I doubt this happens, either.
3. No corrections are needed, temporal cold war is supposed to happen. All series happen. The best bet in my mind, but you would think Future Guy would know of the futility of his own actions. Perhaps not, if knowledge of the temporal cold war is kept to Archer, the Suliban, and maybe a few others.
4. No corrections are needed, Enterprise takes place in alternate universe due to time travel causing branching timelines. All futures happen. Also a possiblity, many fans already seem set on considering Enterprise an alternate universe. But it kind of makes the idea of a temporal cold war seem pointless, because there's no danger of anything we care about getting altered.
And so ends my treatise on the temporal cold war. Tear it to shreds at your discretion. 
"Kirito? I killed a thing and now it says I have XPs! Is that bad? Am I dying?"
-Asuna, Episode 2, Sword Art Online Abridged