If StarFleet Command offers you five ships and tells you to pick one, which will you pick? A brand new Excelsior-class A brand new Saber-class A brand new Norway-class A 15 year-old Nebula A torn-apart-during-the-war-and-then-repaired Galaxy
------------------ -Father of Vulcan phylosophy(forgot his name): "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."
sorry, I posted this message to the wrong place. And then 5 minutes after I realized that I made a mistake, I did it again. I read about a topic and posted my thoughts about that topic on another topic...I'm just not myself today. The test this morning really messed up my head.
------------------ -Father of Vulcan phylosophy(forgot his name): "Nothing unreal exists" -Spock: "Logic is the beginning of wisdom..."