I was watching the "Undiscovered Country" and something confused me. One of the admirals in the initial meeting (toward the beginning of the movie) mentioned something about the Klingon Empire had 50 years left because their homeworld's ozone layer was depleting. TNG, to my knowledge, did not mention anything about that. More than one occasions they showed Quo'nos (sp) as a healthy planet. So, what happened? Did they find a way to regenerate the ozone layer or what?
------------------ "The Founder is wise in all things..." "We live to serve the Founders..."
Chinese Canadian, or 75% Commie Bastard.
Member # 33
Best guess is that the Federation had some sort of Technology that could clean this mess. The Klingons divert almost all of their resources into their war machine, and they could care less for the Scientists. Perhaps the Khitomer accords had a stipulation that said that the Federation could help clean out the mess on Q'ono'S.
------------------ I can resist anything....... Except Temptation
If that is true, you'd think they would be forever grateful and have a debt towards the federation. That would be the honorable thing, wouldn't it?
$ $
I guess their forgetting of that debt in the future, should it be true, has something to do with the loss of ethics and honor and lust for power that Martok talks about, describing the present empire in that episode where Gowron wants him dead all the time. Yes, that was the dollar-sign.
I really liked that overview picture in ST-VI, showing Camp Khitomer, with the Starfleet guy and the klingon, talking next to a wall. It looked so nice. Oh, here I go again. *sob* Oooh, why can't we all be friends?
------------------ -You are crazy. -I thought I was pisces.
I figured the problem lay in the fact that the Klingons diverted all their resources to their miltary. After ST6, they stopped doing that, and they fixed the problem themselves.
------------------ "'...This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it!' cried the Spirit stretching out its hand towards the city. 'Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And abide the end!'" -Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol