Ladies and Gentlemen,We at SciFi-Art are proud to announce the grand opening of not one, but two, yes, TWO new sites.
First up is the SciFi-Art version 2 site.
The location is the same as the old-
Two major notable changes are the Forums URL (gonna have to reset your cookies, NO NEED to re-register at either sites forums!!!) and the Star Trek discussion forum. It will no longer be there on the SciFi-Art forums, because...
SciFi-Art prouly presents the 3D Gladiators site!
It's located at-
The new Star Trek forums are located there.
Modeling the TOS Trek Universe is the Gladiators motto, and a bang up job they did!
Be sure to visit BOTH sites for full entertainment!
About the changes-
SciFi-Art decided a major make-over was needed on the old site, and we went through many delays, trying to figure out which way we were going and what we wanted to do on it.
One major item was to move away from Trek as much as possible, yet not completely.
We went through Senate and normal member changes as well, which also helped in the delays, as some members became honorary (due to lack of online time), and new members were added into the mix.
The over-all SciFi-Art site went through a few server changes as well, like to S-stephens server, until we settled into a new home on Snowcrashes server. SciFi-Art was so popular, it was over-loading S-stephen's server, hence the final move.
Then one day, WarriorDL decided a new sub group would be cool to cover a sorely under-modeled era in Star Trek- The TOS era. The 3D Gladiators were born to help cover the "loss" of Star Trek modeling within SciFi-Art, and from that idea came many more for other sub groups, of who's sites will launch when they are ready.
Meanwhile, Tachy worked long and hard on a good design concept for the new version 2 site. The SciFi-Art members started work on material to place into the sites.
The end result is the two sites listed above.
It's been a long haul for these two sites (Well over 6 months!), but well worth it, as we wanted to bring you, the site visitor, the best we could, and we think we achieved that
The SciFi-Art Senate