I remember seeing a pic of a TNG episode that had Famke Jannsen (AKA Xenia Onatop, Jean Grey, etc), does anyone actually remember which ep. it was?
------------------ "Homer, you're dumb as a mule and twice as ugly, if a strange man offers you a ride, I say take it"-Abe S.
Aah... "The Perfect Mate". She plays Kamala, a Kriosian empathic metamorph that can tune herself to any man's desires. Kisses Riker and dumps him in the corridor, forcing him to take matter in his own hands, and he immediately sets off to the holosuite!!! Hilarious!
I was very glad to see her in the Bond-movie, since a friend and I borrowed the episode a week before we saw GoldenEye.
She played the "maiden in peril" in a crappy scary-movie called "Deep Risng", with Treat Williams as some Indiana jones-character.
I remember Picard's stardate-piece in the beginning of "TPM"(?) where he pronounces Krios in a very Shakespearian way, rumbling on the "R". Good fun.
------------------ Ready for the action now, Dangerboy Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy? How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy? How dare you, Dangerboy? I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...
In the episode she describes being a metamorph as a kind of mutant which, in light of the X-Men movie, is funny.
------------------ Hey fella, I bet you're still livin' in your parents' cellar Downloadin' pictures of Sarah Michelle Gellar And postin "Me too!" like some brain-dead AOL-er I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller You're just about as useless as jpegs to Helen Keller
If they only treated mutants the way they treated her... No wait, maybe that's not so good either.
It's weird though. In a way, we're all mutants, constantly changing one tiny bit of our genes every generations.
------------------ Ready for the action now, Dangerboy Ready if I'm ready for you, Dangerboy Ready if I want it now, Dangerboy? How dare you, dare you, Dangerboy? How dare you, Dangerboy? I dare you, dare you, Dangerboy...
Actually, we manage to mutate, slightly, about 100 small DNA changes EACH generation... it's just that of all those changes, only 1 or 2 actually have any observable effect, and very often even those effects don't matter.
------------------ "Nobody knows this, but I'm scared all the time... of what I might do, if I ever let go." -- Michael Garibaldi