Well, I have the first three, have seen the fourth, and have it on reliable sources that the fifth one is a must-have classic. I can't tell about the Voyager book, though. (It's a secret, you see..
)The TNG sketchbook provides nice info on what was NOT used in Generations and First Contact, plus some excellent reference pictures for the friends of the E-B or the new FC starships. Beyond the pretty pictures, there's some material on the design process as well. The book doesn't overlap with any other book I know of, so perhaps it is a good buy.
ST:Phase II is a comprehensive story of that abortive TV show, with black-and white pics and some color pages on the sets and designs (not very stylish, but interesting in any case), lots of background stuff on ST:TMP, and full story outlines for the first 13 Phase II episodes that never came to be, as well as two early treatises of the TMP script. If you are interested in this piece of Trek history, then the book has it all. If not, you are missing nothing that would touch on the other parts of the Trek genre.
TNG:TCM is a treasure chest of background stories and high-quality pictures. While some of the material overlaps with other books like the Encyclopedia or the TNG Companion, this book is a good buy if you can afford its hardcover splendor. If you have the TNG Companion already, you might wish to consider before paying for just the color pictures and intriguing backstage photos.
The TOS sketchbook has plenty of nostalgic material that isn't really covered anywhere else in picture form. If you like the TNG version, then you'll probably love this one as well. Just remember to protect the easily tearable front cover somehow.
The Making of ST is a smaller hardcover with the full scoop on TOS, as told by people involved in making it happen. Unlike TNG:TCM, it lacks the color-picture splendor, and depicts an universe that has been largely outdated by the later shows. If that doesn't stop you, go ahead and buy it, too.
Timo Saloniemi