I haven't seen the last season of DS9 yet, so would someone care to tell me what the current political stats are? Is the Alpha Quadrant Alliance still on?
P.S. What ST-year is VOY 6th season and DS9 7th season?
Alpha Centauri
Usually seen somewhere in the Southern skies
Member # 338
Prakesh, as a fellow Dutchman I also haven't seen DS9 7th season yet. But I bought DS9 videos 7.10 and 7.13 (so I *did* see "What You Leave Behind"). The end of WYLB only leaves room for speculation about any further existence of the Alpha Quad Alliance. Nobody can tell for now, just like Andrew indicated. But I do think that this whole Dommie war brought the major factions closer together and perhaps even made them forget their earlier political tensions.
------------------ "And as we all know, a mesolytic quantumvector resonator is commonly used to polarize isogravitic plasma-flux manifolds."
Starfleet Academy's Redshirt Guide to the Starfleet, 62nd edition, 2376.
[This message has been edited by Alpha Centauri (edited October 07, 2000).]
Starship database: completed; History of Starfleet: done; website: probably never
Member # 343
2375. Current VGR season year just started is 2377.
------------------ "Deviance is not tailored suits or computer geeks/Pierced tongues or sex freaks/love for hire under dirty sheets/I have lived and breathed you...." --Vanessa Daou, "Deviate"
Prakesh, you had your series mixed up. Voyager's 6th season occured after the end of DS9's 7th season. The current year in Trek is 2377.
DS9's 7th season was 2375 (SD 52***). VOY's 6th season was 2376 (SD 53***).
So this season would be SD 54***. Sounds kinda wierd. I wonder if series 5 will have a stardate of 55555? It would be amusing with all those 5s.
------------------ "I now stand ready to offer you my life, my skills, and my knowledge. I ask you only one thing in return. My wife will have fled by now. Help me find her, save her, and the finest weapon the Empire ever created will be yours to command." - Colonel Baron Soontir Fel, 'The Making of Baron Fel'