cen�sure 1.An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism. 2.An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.
cen�sured, cen�sur�ing, cen�sures. 1.To criticize severely; blame. See Synonyms at criticize. 2.To express official disapproval of: �whether the Senate will censure one of its members for conflict of interest� (Washington Post).
It looks like it is an existing English word. I don't have the Encyc, you tell me if it still fits.
------------------ "We survived." "Yeah, it was some battle." "I meant high school."
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer
[This message has been edited by Altair (edited December 09, 2000).]
quote:It looks like it is an existing English word.
Yes, I know that. That's not the point. In the German synchronization of the episode Picard says "zensiert" (censored in English). I'm not sure, if the synchronization is wrong or the quote in the Encyclopedia.
I can't tell you which is right, but I agree that "censored" makes more sense in the given context. After all, if you complain about people who censure speech, you're censuring their speech. :-)
------------------ "I suppose it's possible my mother is a product of my imagination, but that raises more questions than it solves, really." -Simon Sizer, 4-Dec-2000