I felt I had to contribute my share in spreading the fad to all the forums who thought they were safe from it. Enjoy!!!! And remember, ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!!!
------------------ If anyone has a Star wars action fleet E-wing starfighter or Tie defender toy they want to sell, please E-mail me at [email protected]
Too bad this not only belongs in the Officers' Lounge (*move*), but it doesn't really belong here at all, since we've already gone through all this...
------------------ "I am slightly disturbed that a news station in the US would use the phrase 'to the max'. What's next? CNN saying 'Totally righteous murders?' BBC News 'Dude, like people were wasted yesterday'. The Times reporting 'Iraq bombed! For Great Justice!'?" -Liam Kavanagh, 22.Feb.2001
[This message has been edited by TSN (edited February 26, 2001).]