quote:Another source claiming to be from Paramount has contacted Trekweb and given them the following info regarding Series V...
The source, unfortunately, did not provide enough information to accurately confirm whether these credentials are valid, though the nature of the information is clearly above the "I read the script" or "I've seen the casting sheet" variety of weeks gone by.
1. The new ship is the Enterprise -- but it's "I", not "F" or "E" or any letter in-between
2. As you guessed from #1, V is set in the future -- to be more specific about 150 years after the current timeline
3. Scott Bakula is the Captain -- and the character is definitely more of a "cowboy" like Kirk. His first officer is a Romulan -- and a female. The rest of the info on the casting sheet that went out is crap.
4. Enterprise I is not on a mission of discovery -- it's a warship (and wait 'til you see what the designers came up with!). There's a war on and the Federation isn't doing so hot. And the enemy? I'll save that "little" tidbit for later -- no Borg thank God! I think the fans are really going to love it -- even I was blown away when I first heard about it.
Hmmmmmmmmm, well well well...
I must say this info DOES sound a little better than the prequal idea...
Although the idea of the Enterprise being a WARSHIP... is nasty.
The whole Cowboy thing + War + Warship... sounds like the premise to Andromeda?? Or some other shows... There have been PLENTY of War shows... I think the only shows out there that have worked without being around War... are TNG and Stargate-SG1... oh and these shows have open ended premises... not "When will they get home" or "When will he find a wormhole home" or "When will he find his lost love from the Tantalus Colony" or "When will they reach the new 'home' on Earth 2" or "When will they... etc. etc. because once they've done that - the show is finished...
DS9 - worked VERY well, and included WAR and peace... balanced... political intruige, the nature of faith and still dealing with fighting for peace/ having peace/ dealing with an alien situation/ and STILL exploring strange new worlds... except they were closer to home.
Another problem with this new info is the "Fanboyishness" of it...
BTW, not wanting to blow my own... trumpet? But I had ideas LONG ago after DS9 finished, or actuctually during its seventh season for a post DS9 series... dealing with the aftermath of the Dominion War... with a Romulan XO.
------------------ Homer: I'm gonna miss Springfield. This town's been awfully good to us. Bart: No, it hasn't, Dad. That's why we're leaving. Homer: Oh, yeah. [pokes his head out the window] So long, Stinktown!
Wait for Paramount's official announcement. We're going to hear about it before the Voyager series finale - and I'm more than willing to bet money on it.
------------------ "Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"
These Series V rumors are starting to get really tiresome...
------------------ Lisa: "Don't you remember the story of Oedipus?" Homer: "Maybe five dollars will refresh my memory." Lisa (angrily): "Oedipus was the story of a man who kills his father and marries his mother!" Homer: "Uggh! Who pays for that wedding?"
I don't have the energy to speculate anymore. I'll just wait and see what they say.
I will say this though, if it's set 150 years in the future, you'll have to explain things like "what happened to the Borg". Stuff that happened in between.
------------------ "The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold, And quite unacustomed to fear. But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told, Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer." Aban's Illustration www.alanfore.com
The Enterprise-I? Looks silly. Like a Roman '1'. Enterprise-1. Silly.
------------------ "Although, from what I understand, having travelled around the Mid-west quite a bit, apparently Jesus is coming, so I guess the choice now is we should decide whether we should spit or swallow." -Maynard James Keenan
Microgramma Bold Extended has no serif for it's capital "I", interestingly enough. So they'd have to change the font. Did the Relativity use the same lettering style on the hull as modern SF ships use?
------------------ "The sons of the Prophet were valiant and bold, And quite unacustomed to fear. But, of all, the most reckless, or so I am told, Was Abdulah Boul Boul Ameer." Aban's Illustration www.alanfore.com
quote:The new ship is the Enterprise -- but it's "I", not "F" or "E" or any letter in-between
It's not E?? Well DUUUHHHHH!!! We already know that it's going to be a new ship...
Could someone pass me the salt please? Thank you...
------------------ Terry: "Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, ...." Max: "And?" Terry: "I forgot." Max: "Come on, Clinton was the fun one, then came the boring one." Terry: "They're all boring."
*dumps 1/4 of a cup salt into his mouth* UHHHHHHHH. If these rumors have any truth to them what so ever, that means the new series can have THREE yesterday's Enterprise episodes!!!! WOO WHO Now if you will excuse me, all of a sudden, I am REALLY thirsty.
------------------ "We have to get drunk immediately."----Gattaca
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted) *** "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!" -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
"This is not a ship of war ... it's a ship of peace."
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted) *** "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!" -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001
I choose not to believe this for the sole reason that I don't think they'd be stupid enough to pick the letter "I." It doesn't even roll of your tongue right.
"This is the Federation Starship Enterprise-I ..."
I'd prefer the "H" myself ... nice ring to it, huh?
------------------ Star Trek Gamma Quadrant Average Rated 8.32 out of 10 Smileys by Fabrux (with seven eps posted) *** "Oh, yes, screw logic, let's go for a theory with no evidence!" -Omega 11:48am, Jan. 19th, 2001 *** I wouln't say that anyone who has ceased to post every time you rant has "realized that they couldn't win" Omega. It's more like "oh, great he comes Mr. conservative frontal lobotomy boy who only hits one note over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over." -Jay, July 15, 2000
[This message has been edited by JeffKardde (edited April 11, 2001).]
"I will say this though, if it's set 150 years in the future, you'll have to explain things like "what happened to the Borg". Stuff that happened in between."
You mean like how TNG immedietly explained what happed to everyone in the 80 years between?
------------------ You know, when Comedy Central asked us to do a Thanksgiving episode, the first thought that went through my mind was, "Boy, I'd like to have sex with Jennifer Aniston." -Trey Parker, co-creator of South Park