Boy, this guy just gets me excited about this film. The way he puts it, he's going to finally do character development things with the TNG cast that they have basically ignored in the past seven years. Most importantly (to me) is that they're all getting older and should be depicted getting on with their lives...
With the three movies we have, you get the impression that the TNG gang are like the cast of "Friends" - all acting exactly like they did at the beginning of the series irrespective of how much time has past. They've all been the same characters they were at the end of "All Good Things..." and it's well past time to change that, like they did in ST2. I'm looking forward to this one, if for that reason alone.
'Course, Logan being on the team for Trek X means the first real creative shift the franchise has had since TNG ended - unto the present, they've been using house talent for their stuff. This bodes well.
Anyway, I'm done being excited about it. Pass the salt, please. 
"Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"
- Carl Sagan, "Contact"
[This message has been edited by Mark Nguyen (edited May 10, 2001).]