The episodes where plots B and C etc are 'resolved' by using the A plot and vice versa suck... they only work in Seinfeld!! ;o) i.e. The Soup Nazi... "NEXT!" 
That Voyager A,B,C plot description above fitted some episodes of Voyager exactly.
The best episodes with multiple plots are the episodes with an A plot - with an ongoing B/C plot - that tie into other episodes - you can watch the episode - 'fresh' for the A plot - and pick up threads by grabbing on to the B and C plots and being taken for the ride. That is what happened when I got into the Practice. I watched Ally McBeal all first season - and then caught the cross-over with the Practice - I hadn't succeeded in getting into the Practice before that - and subsequently - after the crossover episode - I began watching!! DS9 did this... Babylon 5 did this... even TNG did this on occassion - but issues didn't necessarily get touched on again the very next episode - maybe not even for another year - when the writers felt they wanted to bring it up again - but it happened. The Voyager writers got this type of 'continuity' with the DS9/B5/The Practice type of continuity - where episodes link each other each or every few episodes. DS9 also did the TNG thing of bringing back threads now and again... i.e. Lwaxana Troi, Enabran Tain, Section 31, the Genetically Engineered people... They weren't the crux of DS9, but they were successfully retouched apon, in other episodes. I just wish they had touched apon a few other things.
Thomas Riker
Kai Opaka
Jadzia's family
Amongst other things.
Homer: I'm gonna miss Springfield. This town's been awfully good to us.
Bart: No, it hasn't, Dad. That's why we're leaving.
Homer: Oh, yeah. [pokes his head out the window] So long, Stinktown!