Ok...I had to tape it when it was on Monday and I just got around to watching it. Did anyone else see it? Was it corny, sure. But hey, I thought it was pretty funny.
William Shatner, though obviously an ego maniac, managed a couple of great lines before getting booted.Wil Wheaton reminded me why I dislike him so much.
Denise Crosby reminded me why I like her so much.
I couldn't tell if Roxann Dawson was being serious when she said Wil was being rude...I would've been.
All in all, I enjoyed seeing this side of the actors and actresses. Robert Picardo, Levar Burton and Armin Shimmerman seem like pretty ordinary Joes. I thought it was kind of cool.
Hey...what can I say...I out of "real" Trek conversation... 
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