posted March 23, 1999 05:45 PM
The Borg build only the sphere, the tetragon and the thing that the queen was in chasing Voyager in during Dark frontiers. Reason? Faster to build,less time consuming and thereforemore efficent timewise.
The Sphere is sent out with cubes to assimilate worlds and or on scouting missons. On the course of these scouting Missons, the sphere will encounter many ships and assimilate them. As they assimilate them, the ships will eveolve into a Cube. As it grows larger, it becomes more efficent and powerful with new additons and size.
The Cube therefore is only a Sphere that has been built up from a number of assimilations.
Or the Cube continues to grow as they assimilate other ships. This makes the Borg the scrap heap ship builders of the Galxay.
Those massive Borg cities in the sky are from cubes that have become so large that they are no longer efficent and are assigned other tasks, namely to join with other ships to form the city.
posted March 23, 1999 05:48 PM
How would you explain the fact that they tend to blow ships to pieces? Or is that part of the 'Lower your defences and we'll assimilate you and your ship'. If they don't comply, then they blow them up?!
posted March 23, 1999 05:54 PM
There are a few other Borg vessels.
Cube--the typical Borg cube (Q Who) Sphere--the typical Borg sphere (First Contact) Scout--unknown, possibly a sphere, possibly the tetragon seen in Dark Frontier (I, Borg) Tetragon--the typical Borg tetragon (Dark Frontier) Queen's ship--the typical Borg diamond shaped thing (Dark Frontier) "Destroyer"--oddly shaped vessel from Descent and Scorpion
I'm sure individual Borg ships use various materials gathered from captured vessels as necessary. But I would guess that each ship is constructed with a specific purpose in mind, rather then grown haphazardly.
------------------ "I'll turn everything around and confuse you. I'll fix it so you can't remember what was true." -- They Might Be Giants
posted March 24, 1999 01:09 AM
The "Destroyer" first seen in Descent was later used as the suggested design for the mega-warhead which, to me, implies that Lore and the renegade Borg turned it into a ship from something else.
The Borg "Scout" or Twinkie seems to be the one we saw at the beginning of Dark Frontier. I think it's reasonable to believe that was Hugh's vessel.
The idea about the Sphere starting out that way and growing into a Cube and then the Cube into the City has occurred to me and seems very likely. I don't think the Borg would pass up any material and they don't seem like the type to get rid of a cube just because it got too big. Much more efficient to turn it into a city block.
------------------ "A screaming comes across the sky..."
posted March 24, 1999 03:45 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that they referred to the sphere as a scout in "Dark Frontier," and the tetragon was called a probe, though obviously not of the small unmanned variety. I would suggest that the heirarchy of Borg ships is, from smallest to largest...
posted March 24, 1999 04:24 AM
The ships that they have are a patch work of parts to me so it seems to be just a parts that have been glued together. The designers never intended this I think, it jus turned ou this way and it works.
The Borg oly destroy ships that do not comply and assimiate ships that they can subdue without destroying.
This also means that they would add bits and pieces of their technologies to their own. Affecting repairs with a vanquished foes parts is easier than waitng to regenerate or go back to base. It is also a better use of it's time.
Ohhh That's why the borg have a cutting beam, they cuts ships apart to put onto themselves.
WHy the different colours not showing up?. Borg may put other races parts on themselves, but they also bring up to standard. They do have their own building of unique tech, it just easier to use other races parts to do it and quicker since it is alreaddy premade.
posted March 24, 1999 05:24 AM
In the film First Contact, the "heart" of a Borg Cube is shown. At the center of the cube, there is a sphere connected to the rest of the cube by "pylons". This would tend to lend support to the idea that cubes are "born" as a sphere and "mature" into a cube. In at "old age", they become part of a Borg City. BTW, the tetragon was identified as a probe in "Dark Frontier".
IP: Logged
posted March 24, 1999 05:37 AM
It was called a probe. I'd forgotten that. That makes it even easier. Did they say how many Borg were on the Probe? I would guess less than ten based on the fact that Hugh was Third of Five. Then a couple hundred maybe on the scout.
------------------ "A screaming comes across the sky..."
posted March 24, 1999 07:21 AM
The picture of the interior of the cube was later used as the interior of a sphere in "Drone." Also, it doesn't look that much like a sphere to me.
------------------ "I'll turn everything around and confuse you. I'll fix it so you can't remember what was true." -- They Might Be Giants
posted March 24, 1999 03:26 PM
AHEM! Now, I don't know anything about VOY Borg ships, but I'd just like to reiterate that a tetragon is a rectangle, and, hence, two-dimensional! I feel quite safe in assuming that the Borg have never used a tetragonal ship...
Oh, and I doubt that cubes are built-up spheres. Why would they always keep it cube-shaped? Wouldn't there be odd pieces sticking out every-which-way? And why would it be a cube, anyway? Why not a huge sphere?
------------------ "I fart in your general direction!" -John Cleese, Monty Python and the Holy Grail
posted March 24, 1999 05:14 PM
Because Sphere's are not that good with interieor spacing.
Cubes are better for space packing. WHy not start out as sphere's?? Damned if I know.
Oh and reason why they are no parts sticing out is cause it is molded onto the ship, not just slapped on. Example, First Contact and the intereior of the Enterprise E. The original ship is still there, just now being used by the Borg. The ship is not been fully assimiltaed so it can still be recognizable as distinct.