And with two out of the three "invisible" emitters, this holds water - we never saw the Lakota so up close in "Paradise Lost" that we could have definitely stated "There is no phaser emitter on the side of the impulse nozzle!" or "There is no phaser emitter between the impulse crystals!". Only the backstage photos of the model show that these emitters were not added to the model.
Alas, we did see the topside of the ship's aft hull clearly enough to observe that when the Defiant flies between the nacelles, a beam fires from the big hump at the pylon stems, and then ceases firing, revealing a smooth surface devoid of emitters... Hmm. Perhaps the clever TOS rapidly-extendable-and-retractable-emitter (or cloaked-emitter?) technology hasn't been entirely forgotten.
Probably the lack of visible weapons on the TOS ship would best be explained by saying that the emitters were covered by hatches or "gunports". These ports would be an anachronism from the time when shields were primitive and starship hulls were coated with physical armor (a possible Romulan war era practice - remember the physical-armor "shields" of the Neutral Zone outpost in "Balance of Terror"?). For any ship built after the 2240s, these gunports would be omitted since they would no longer serve any practical purpose.
Then we could have the TOS ship, *and* the myriads of TOS-era fanfic designs with FJ-style visible, paired emitters. Those fanfic ships (at least the versions seen, if not their original pre-TOS prototypes) would simply date from after the 2240s. Or whatever date one chooses for the abandoning of gunports. Big and fancy ships like Constitutions might retain this feature longer than others, for decorative purposes.
Something rarely mentioned-or considered-is that the phaser banks actually were coupled. Via the lit up dome on the bottom of the saucer. In theory, the dome phaser's might function as a predecessor to the phaser array strips of TNG.
Of course a lit dome is also atop the bridge, which would give a clear, aft firing arc. I know, I know. The bridge is there... Who knows how the actually emitter's are fed power? Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with the concept. At least where the bridge is concerned, we don't need a Phaser Control Room.
Beyond "what we see" in TOS, nothing really substantiates or eliminates this possibility. The technology is so vaguely defined for TOS anyway.
More modern, TOS movie starships clearly redefine the approach to weapon arrangement. Not to mention the domes having been redefined as part of the Navigational Sensor System. For the sake of discussion, it is possible that the leaps in technology could be that dfferent by TMP.
[This message has been edited by Psi'a Meese (edited February 14, 2001).]
Interesting, to say the least. Where is it said that the TOS domes had something to do with phasers? it would be great to have the ventral dome as one big single phaser turret, miniaturized and multiplied in numbers for the TMP era ships. The top dome of the TOS ship seems to be a big window, though.
Also, where is it stated that the dome in the TMP ship was a navigational sensor array specifically? Granted, this makes sense, but the thing could also be a planetary survey sensor array (since it doesn't enjoy a very good view forward) or even an auxiliary nav deflector system (or a primary one for those ships that lack the big blue dishes, like Miranda or Constellation).
AAAAGH!! A window?!? Where did this come from? Are you talking about the dome on top of the bridge module? That is not a window. Cannot be. According to what we have seen, the ceiling of the bridge is solid with no window there at all. Anyone can feel free to dispute me, but technically it just doesn't work and makes absolutely no sense. And there cannot possibly be another deck on top of the bridge.
Again, where is it documented that the main phaser arrays on the bottom of the saucer are coupled through the lower dome? It's an interesting idea, yes, but I would like to know your source.
The majority of noncanon sources list the domes on the priamry hull of the TMP Enterprise as the "upper and lower navigational domes/sensor arrays." I have a feeling they are NOT deflectors. How would they operate? Timo, you yourself say they do not have a very good view forward, so if they aren't good as sensor arrays, they'll be less effective as deflectors. And those lighted things the domes sit on on the TMP ship are just that, lights. Not anything else. In case people didn't know.
I think the window idea comes from the first pilot episode, "The Cage." In the opening, the camera looks in from the top of the ship through the dome into the bridge. But since the set didn't have a ceiling they could never show the reverse angle. Didn't there also a broken window in the room of the bridge in the EntD crash?
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The Enteprise-D DOES have a window in the ceiling. The original Enterprise does not. There is never any indication in the series that the dome over the bridge is a window. If it WERE a window, don't you think a lot of the crew would be looking up most of the time? It would be about 15+ feet in diameter.
In conclusion, there is NO WINDOW on the bridge module of the original E. And as I said before, there isn't enough room under the dome for it to be a completely transparent walled second deck. That doesn't even make any sense.
And for those of you who are really nitpicky and want to go on about that bright white square on the bridge module of the very original model, that CAN'T be a window as the actual inner wall of the bridge is about 5 to 10 feet in from the exterior wall.
The people on the bridge of the E-D didn't seem to be looking up a lot....
------------------ "One's ethics are determined by what we do when no one is looking" Nugget Star Trek: Gamma Quadrant Star Trek: Legacy Read them, rate them, got money, film them
"...and I remain on the far side of crazy, I remain the mortal enemy of man, no hundred dollar cure will save me..." WoV
According to the TMP blueprint's, designed by Andrew Probert, the dome's both below and atop the bridge, function as a 'navigational dome'. I assume they are components of the Warp Celestial Guidance system also referred to in the same blueprints.
Regarding the domes function as part of the TOS design? Unless my misplaced copy of "The Making of Star Trek" (Roddenberry's writer's guide is part of that book) does say, there is nothing written (i.e. a source) that establishes their function. I merely suggest that since the lower dome is "lit", and we do see the weapons discharge from that area, that there may (or may not) be a connection of some kind. If I am correct, than I further suggest that multiple emitter's (or turrets) are mounted within the dome. It would account for primary and secondary phaser banks that have been mentioned above. The upper dome is also "lit" and therefore might (or might not) be a component of some kind that is mounted upon the roof of the bridge module.
Unless there is a source that I am unaware of, the 'window' shown in "The Cage" was nothing more than a clever way to show the viewer where the nerve center of Pike's Enterprise is. Since the bridge actually has no windows.
It's cute? Thanks for the source, P'sia Meese. The idea that the entire lower dome is a phaser array does make some sense, but that is one freakin' big phaser. But it also does away with the "fire banks one and two" thing, so I don't know . . .
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