I speak! - My additions star with a "*".Enterprise nil (classic style):
Pike/Kirk Entperises
Lexington (high backed chair)
Defiant (lit differently)
Exeter [my addition]
mirrior universe Enterprise [my addition]
*Yorktown ("The Ultimate Computer")
Enterprise nil (movie version):
Saratoga (ST 4)
*E-D Battle Bridge (Season 1)
*Starbase 173 Hearing Room ("Measure of a Man")
Enterprise A:
Excelsior (Sulu)
Enterprise B
Prometheus (class)
Raven [my addition]
Dauntless [my addition]
Pasteur [my addition]
*Freighter in "The Passenger"
Enterprise D Battle Bridge: [a redress of E-Nil movie set]
*No, it's not. The E-D BB (as seen in "BoBW II") was origianlly seen starting in the second season as a swing set. It's been several labs and bridges, among things.
Tsiolkovsky [yes, it was seen]
*We only saw one wall, and part of it was a redress of the E-nil bridge
*same thing
Hathaway [probably a new set]
*yes, it was the set I described above.
Enterprise C [a new set?]
*as the Hathaway.
Prometheus (Nebula) [a redress of the Saratoga set from Emissary]
Odyssey [actually more like E-A set]
*Both these were re-dresses of the E-A movie set
Excalibur [can't tell for sure, only a console was seen]
*a new set
Saratoga (Emissary) [certainly a different set, probably a mix of E-A set and a new set]
*The Emissary Saratoga, Odyssey, Prometheus et. al. use the aft third to aft half of the E-A movie set, finishing the rest with new walls and stuff.
Sutherland [probably the E-A set]
*new set
Bozeman [probably the E-A set]
*same as Hathaway, E-C, et.al.
Lantree [my addition]
*E-nil redress
Sao Paulo
mirror Defiant [my addition]
*Fake Delta Flyer in "Live Fast and Prosper"
*Ferengi vessel in "Inside Man"
Enterprise D:
*Warbuild E-D in "Yesterday's Enterprise"
*Future E-D in "All Good Things..."
Bellerophon [my addition]
*Variety of Alt-Voyagers (interestingly enough, the Voyager bridge is the ONLY Trek bridge not to undergo significant mods through the course of the series)
Enterprise E:
*no redresses
Others unknown:
* New set
*Frankenstein of Voyager Science lab, generc consoles, and new walls
*Unknown (and the only one which really bugs me)
Phoenix [my addition]
*Only saw the Ready Room, which is a mish mash of new walls and the old Trek movie quarters set.
Hood [my addition, a ready room instead?]
Adm. Hansen's ship, possibly Melbourne [my addition]
*generic wall with a railing and "Red Alert" sign
Shepard (ST4) [my addition]
Yorktown (ST4) [my addition]
*redress of the E-nil movie set, shot from low angle. Prolly didn't even redress it from the Saratoga.
Yosemite [my addition, though was the set even a bridge]
Raman [my addition, ditto from Yosemite]
*Same again too.
Excelsior (ST3) [My addition]
*Original set.
Adm. Ross' ship [DS9 finale, my addition]
*Used the aft consoles from the Defiant Engineering set.
"Why build one, when you can have two at twice the price?"
- Carl Sagan, "Contact"