While we're on the subjects of bridges, I'd like to mention that what we saw of the Odyssey's bridge is pretty damned cool. I saw "The Jem'Hadar" for the first time tonight (I know, I know; I suck ) and I really liked what I saw. I wonder what set they used...?
PS - Mark, check your PMs...
[ June 21, 2001: Message edited by: Mr. Christopher ]
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
PMs..? Prime Ministers? I mean, I Am Canadian and all that, but what do my country's politics have to do with this topic?
Anyway, "The Jem'Haddar" was on SPACE reruns today, which is where I suspect you saw the Oddysey. Great battle, eh? The Big O's bridge was constructed with the aft third or so of the TOS movie bridge (used for the E-A, Excelsior It uses TNG LCARS on the standard set, adds that nifty rail, and puts the XO chair *behind* the CO chair. I ought to do a sketch sometime..
Tah-dah! Here are those scans. Apologies for the resolution; the scanner's a bit wonky today. I was wondering if someone could put these pictures on their website, so I won't have to pester my ISP guy with this? Thanks.
Anyway, check 'em out. I'm a real fan of #5, and really could've seen it that way if they'd built that one.
Personally, I think that squirreling Tuvok and Kim away in their little cages at the corners of the bridge contributed to their characters' underuse... From their stations, they can't interact socially with the rest of the bridge crew, since they're physically far from the rest of the stations (Kim-Tuvok combadge follies non-inclusive).
This is different from the Enterprise, where everyon important was in a sort of tight splotch with Tactical, CO, XOs, Conn, and Ops; and the Defiant, with everyone squished in. In short, I think that Voyager's dramatic possibilities were limited by the large size of the bridge!
I happen to really like the alcove design of both of those stations. It makes sense when you consider how many tasks seem to fall under the umbrella of Ops and Tactical. I'm not sure I see the dramatic limitations of them.
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Concept 5 looks so...overcrowded. I like 2 much better. And, yeah, why do they all look like they're over fifty feet in diameter? (Except for the last one, which looks like it's only twenty feet in diameter.) Is that just the drawing's perspective?
-------------------- "A celibate clergy is an especially good idea because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism."
-Eleanor Arroway, "Contact" by Carl Sagan
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