posted September 08, 2001 03:53 AM
As for the Prometheus... It says so on the ship, but I'd rather call it 7XXXX. It makes more sense. As does the 7 number on the Yamato. If Okuda says he meant it to be 7XXXX, then that is what I'll believe. What regisrty would YOU rather have?And what if 1305-E was on a computer monitor, and 7XXXX was mentioned in "Where Silence as Lease?" What would that debate be like? Of course, they wouldn't change the 7 number to 1305-E because it would sound too silly, rightr?
Now on to the making of films!
Member # 621
posted September 08, 2001 03:57 AM
Its the thirtieth century. We're looking at historical records that sometimes portray slightly different quantum realities.
Problem solved.
(not the fun way of course, but solved nonetheless)
-------------------- If God didn't want us to fly, he wouldn't have given us Bernoulli's Principle.
quote:And what if 1305-E was on a computer monitor, and 7XXXX was mentioned in "Where Silence as Lease?" What would that debate be like?
I don't think, that it is important where the registry comes from (dialogue or computer monitor). Important is IMO that Okuda says that the 1305-E made its way into the episode by mistake.
-------------------- "Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, no matter what - never face the facts." - Ruth Gordon
posted September 08, 2001 04:51 AM
Important, is not how it got into the episode, but that "NCC-1305-E" is spoken, canon, dialogue. Regardless of what Okuda intended to happen, Will Riker said "NCC-1305-E", and people who hate that point at a computer monitor which only the most anal-retentive fan ever pays attention to to contradict that.
posted September 08, 2001 06:01 AM
Who put MeGotBeer in charge of Canon? Seriously...
You know, seeing as how NCC-71807 was ONSCREEN and is therefore CANON, it doesn't matter what Riker said and therefore the registry is NCC-71807.
There is no ranking for levels of canonicity. It's up to the viewer to pick which one they believe. Of course, since Okuda said it was never meant to be NCC-1305-E, then I believe everyone should follow suit and quit bitching.
[ September 08, 2001: Message edited by: The359 ]
-------------------- "Lotta people go through life doing things badly. Racing's important to men who do it well. When you're racing, it's life. Anything that happens before or after is just waiting."
-Steve McQueen as Michael Delaney, LeMans
Registered: Mar 1999
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quote:Originally posted by MeGotBeer: It seems to me, intentions are nice, but the spoken dialogue outweights that.
That is a completely arbitrary decision. So is taking visual evidence over spoken evidence. Either way, you're just choosing, subjectively, to accept one kind of evidence over the other. Do you have a pressing reason to assume that spoken dialog is more valid?
A case can certainly be made that visual evidence outweighs spoken evidence. People make mistakes, and occasionally aren't called on them. People make jokes, use sarcasm, and otherwise distort the truth. Someone around here likes the idea that Riker has a well-known affinity for a Yamato 1305 and wby inventing the 1305-E registry as indicating his feelings that the original Yamato was slighted by not getting suffixed descendants. People's spoken word has all sorts of variables attached... our eyes do not.
Note, I am not suggesting that visual evidence should take priority over spoken evidence. I am, however, suggesting that choosing one or the other is arbitrary and therefore influenced by subjective opinion.
This is why producer intentions are more than simply "nice." Star Trek doesn't exist in any form save the creation of the aforementioned producers; that is, we have no obligation to remain within the context of it's fictional universe because we are aware of the reality behind it. The 1305-E registry was a mistake, and that is objectively undeniable. For the purpose of the Star Trek universe, the producers are omnipotent. Expressing their intent is a matter of divine revelation.
So, by all means, use 1305-E registry for whatever registry cataloging purpose you have for it. Use it to justify suffixes on ships of your own creation if you wish. But don't assert that the 1305-E registry is, objectively, more accurate than 71807, because it is not.
posted September 08, 2001 08:05 AM
And the Pullitzer for most intelligent post about the most stupid subject matter goes to.... Ryan McReynolds!
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
Registered: Mar 1999
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posted September 08, 2001 08:05 AM
It seems that you people don't want a certain registry to be right, but rather you want the other one to be wrong. I've asserted time and time again that there's no reason they can't both be right. But no-one will listen. So, I can only assume that you each have a particular hatred for one of the registries, and you can't stand the thought of its being on an equal level w/ the one you like.
Registered: Mar 1999
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Now on to the making of films!
Member # 621
posted September 08, 2001 08:12 AM
TSN, you're the proponent of the captain's personal preference theory right?
Its nice, but it doesn't hold water all that well.
Do you think each time a ship got a new captain, they'd haul out the workers and workbees to rewrite the registry? How many ships in Starfleet would this be a possibility for? And we've never seen any evidence that this was the case for the Enterprise. It seems like the captain would have to at least request (even if it was only a formality) to have the registry changed to the prefix style. Wouldn't Starfleet engineers put the 7xxxxx number on there by default? Captain Picard doesn't strike me as the type of person who would give a damn about his ship's registry. He never gave a damn about it being the flagship or a Galaxy, really.
-------------------- If God didn't want us to fly, he wouldn't have given us Bernoulli's Principle.
posted September 08, 2001 10:45 AM
Look at what makes sense. Like all the other known Galaxies (Except the Ent-D), the Yamato has a 7-number. We haven't seen another ship with the letter suffix, and the episode WSHL was made early in TNG's life. So, the writers were new to the new Star Trek universe and put in the number they thought would suit the Yamato because the Enterprise had at (and they probably thought other ships did, also). Now, Okuda says it was a mistake. So it's reasonable to assume the ST writers and such think that the Enterprise is the only ship to have the letter thing. This means, they think the canon number is 71XXX (too lazy to look up). And that means the number must be the newer one. And we all know Riker isn't one of the crew's brightest, so he might've assumed that the 1305E number was the right one. Or, it's possible, Nagilum tampered with the computer system and made it confirm the 1305E.
posted September 08, 2001 01:29 PM
Here's another way of looking at it.
Suppose (for some reason), we have an episode where the crew (whoever they are), time travel to 2364. They meet the Yamoto. What registry do you think it will have? Hmm?
-------------------- Yes, you're despicable, and... and picable... and... and you're definitely, definitely despicable. How a person can get so despicable in one lifetime is beyond me. It isn't as though I haven't met a lot of people. Goodness knows it isn't that. It isn't just that... it isn't... it's... it's despicable.
You know, seeing as how NCC-1305-E was SPOKEN DIALOGUE and is therefore CANON, it doesn't matter what the log said and therefore the registry is NCC-1305-E.
Look, I'm sorry, but I'm sticking with spoken dialogue over an obscure reference on a monitor. I'm sorry if this line of reasoning has some people acting like they've got a baseball bat up their arse.
posted September 08, 2001 02:51 PM
I still reckon CaptMike's theory is the best. [while i strive to be the laughing stock of this board ] here's is my useless imput.
From the Starfleet Medical Classified case files: I can't remeber the exact lines Riker said, but perhaps the Whole-Crew-Turns-Real-Stupid syndrome was at work. There have been many documented cases of this, we have seen that the USS Voyager are chronically affected. This syndrome is caused due to the stresses on the brain when travelling at Warp Velocities, when the person is subject to certain emotional stresses among other things, the brain reverts to a 'Stupid' state. In this state the person(s) says/does incredibly silly things, ranging from saying wrong reg. numbers (and visualizing the wrong ones) to eating Neelix's so-called food.
Have fun
PS dont forget to throw rotten fruit!
-------------------- "Tom is Canadian. He thereby uses advanced humour tecniques, such as 'irony', 'sarcasm', and werid shit'. If you are not qualified in any of these, it will be risky for you to attempt to decipher what he means. Just smile and carry on." - PsyLiam; 16th June