Sounds good. If the Lysians were using UFP-bought tech, it would help explain why their enemies knew enough of Starfleet hardware to pull their little trick on the E-D. They needn't spy on Starfleet - it would suffice if they spied on the Lysians and their ex-Starfleet hardware.
And considering how spaced-out our heroes were in "Conundrum", I wouldn't expect them to yell "Deneva class Starfleet ships ahead!" or anything even if that was the real identity of the laser drones. Also, there are plenty of examples of known freighters of advanced race A being used in military roles by primitive race B (the "Ensign Ro" style freighters were "warships" in TNG "Half a Life", for example).
Yeah, I'm all for calling this lil' ship the Deneva class. Not that I'd be 100% sure this was really the model used in "Legacy". It's just that the model makes for a damn good Deneva design...
(However, if the "Legacy" ship is this model seen from dead ahead, then what is that bright spot below the ship centerline? To me, the "Legacy" pic looks like four spots: two nacelles, one center spot, and something below the center spot.)
The Razor ship isn't the same as the Mercenary Get-away ship/Lysian ships. I think there is a picture of the Razor pic floating around the internet somewhere.
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)