posted May 08, 2003 09:45 PM
Three additional notes upon a rewatch:
-The Vissians apparently use knives and forks.
-A meeting in the episode occurs in a ward room of sorts. It's the mess hall set, with monitors on one wall and a large conference table in the middle. Have we seen this one before?
-So, cogenitors make up about 3% of the Vissian population. It's probably a cultural thing, but with humans, people tend to get attched to their kids regardless of gender. Are Vissian parents not miffed when they have a cogenitor and it's taken away from them?
quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: -A meeting in the episode occurs in a ward room of sorts. It's the mess hall set, with monitors on one wall and a large conference table in the middle. Have we seen this one before? Mark
Wasn't this the same room from "Precious Cargo" where T'Pol was acting like some judge in her robe threatening this guy that if he doesnt help them locate that freighter....anyway, that room??
quote:Originally posted by Mark Nguyen: -So, cogenitors make up about 3% of the Vissian population. It's probably a cultural thing, but with humans, people tend to get attched to their kids regardless of gender. Are Vissian parents not miffed when they have a cogenitor and it's taken away from them?
Maybe they are rewarded or compensated for providing such a 'resource' to their culture. They probably don't allow themselves or are discouraged from attaching themselves to 'it'.
Kinda makes ya wonder what kind of hardware the Cogenitors are sportin'.
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The room is *not* the one in "Precious Cargo". I distictly remember in that epsiode that they had the mess hall's backlit cupboards and such on the wall in question. For all intents and purposes, it *was* the mess hall, with the furniture removed.
This one has a distictly different wall, with the large and small LCD screens borrowed from the bridge set. The remaining walls are definitely from the mess hall set. Personally, I hope they don't use this often - they may have had such a room in all the other series, but I like that they generally use the situation area at the back of the bridge. Keeps everything smallish
posted May 10, 2003 02:12 AM
Yeah, definitely a location on the ship we haven't seen before, though whether it's a new set or not is a little unclear.
I'm partial to the situation room, myself, but I get the sense there's a fair number of scenes that can't logically be held there, so a bigger belowdecks ward room only makes storytelling sense to complement, not replace it. Makes Trek sense, too... one assumes they hold staff meetings with more than six participants on a frequent basis.
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
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posted May 10, 2003 11:25 AM
Er, surely this "conference room" is the same place Shran and Soval and Archer sat down to chat at the end of "Cease Fire," no?
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posted May 11, 2003 04:21 AM
Fine then... it was a location on the ship I had never seen before.
-------------------- "I was surprised by the matter-of-factness of Kafka's narration, and the subtle humor present as a result." (Sizer 2005)
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