If we can tell which of these attendees to the Khitomer conference were wearing this - we can work out what the Romulan Flag there is. (There was a thread about the symbols at the Khitomer conference a long time ago).
Actually - weren't there also Romulans, then at the Enterprise Crew hearing in Star Trek IV? They were the ones agreeing with the Klingon Ambassador re: Kirk... I always thought it was weird that some Vulcans were agreeing with the Ambassador about Kirk - and I DID assume that they were Romulans - weren't they wearing something similar to this - the hats ring a bell.
What is this design? Some uniforms from the first movie have a round patch with the solar system and Earth in blue on them... (You can see it here) what is this supposed to be depicting? Maybe (Was it Reverend?) would like to do a new drawing of it!?!
Finally this is from a Female Vulcan in TMP but is sort of similar in design to the 'Romulan' costume from Star Trek VI.
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)
Whoa! Finally, something I haven't seen before! Do we know where in the movie this is seen (or if it can be seen)?
Interesting that they dropped a digit from Excelsior's registry. NX-2000 -> NX200 So could we speculate that the blue ship labeled as NC177, which looks a lot like a refit Constitution, is actually NCC-1707?
The white ships are different from Excelsior and the blue one. Actually, the larger one looks like it could possibly be a pre-refit Constitution. The other smaller ones (three of presumably the same class) are something new, as they don't match any existing plan view.
Registered: Jul 2002
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I'd guess the smaller ones are Mirandas or maybe even Oberths. They were both seen in Spacedock during the movie, but the graphics are quite simple, so we can't really be sure.
Looks home-made to me. I can print the same kind of backlight film at mt work.
-------------------- Justice inclines her scales so that wisdom comes at the price of suffering. -Aeschylus, Agamemnon
Registered: Aug 2002
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Didn't Mike Okuda first work on ST:IV? Would this be some of his earliest work!?!
Can anyone try and get them to make a closer photo of the other space-dock control panel - it has another schematic on it of the insides - it's linked further up the thread. I e-mailed them to see if they would - I never got a response.
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)
Well they've sold it now, though they would have the original photos, which are huge(they've accidentally posted 1500 pixel wide pictures before), but I very much doubt they'd offer them to you. Like I said in that post, you actually get a better view of the Starbase side view display in the episode(the one with the binary aliens, I think).
New stuff is out - I SO don't know why they didn't have some huge Star Trek museum... HOW ANNOYING - just costume after costume after set piece after set piece - I would DEFINATELY go to one of them. Money-hungry gits.
They sold thousands of things in that auction and probably thought they got all the good stuff. Selling all this as well might've just been too much.
Having said that, there's a lot of good costume stuff this week. They've gone Mirror Universe crazy, with practically all the Terran Empire rank insignias(for those people who do illustrations of logos and such) plus one of those cool EV suits from Enterprise and Tuvok's Kal'Toh game.
How much did the salamander end up going for?
That episode was SO silly - I can't remember - did they end up explaining how they 'de-evolved' Janeway and Paris - or what happened to their 'children'?
-------------------- "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." - Jim Halpert. (The Office)
I've no idea what the salamander went for, I don't pay much attention to the prices, but one might expect them to be falling now. Surely anyone who can afford to spend $500+ on an item that was a blur past the camera for 3 seconds in The Final Frontier has already bought something?
Anyway, more interesting things this week.
There's the Starbase 375 docking bay, which you'll notice is covered in at least two Maquis Raider models and a Runabout.
The smashed Ent-D model from the Ent-E's observation lounge. Turns out to be the ERTL model painted gold, rather than a custom model.