posted April 02, 2008 12:39 AM
Following up my own comment... With all the work being done on Star Trek Remastered and the Director's Editions of TMP and TWOK, I'd love to see them "remaster" TNG and at least part of DS9 and VOY, where they couldn't do what they originally intended due to time or budget constraints. Within reason, of course. The Hood was originally supposed to be what would later evolve into the Ambassador class, but the Excelsior-Hood has enough recognition now tha tI don't know if replacing it with a suitably-labelled Ambassador would be a good idea.
But I do think all the Oberths should be actual Oberths, and not re-uses of the Grissom miniature -- unless that is the sort of ship that was actually needed.
Still, nothing that changes the story. Just cleanup.
And no, escallum, we aren't going to push for the Voyager to be re-done as a Nebula-class ship. Deal.
-------------------- "That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age."
--David "Woody" Wooderson, Dazed and Confused
Registered: Feb 2001
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quote: Yay production shortfalls. *sigh* The Oberth was intended to be a 24th-century vessel, and not of the same type as the Grissom. Time and money considerations screwed that up.
And what a screwup that was, because if you go by the dedication plaque, the Tsiolkovsky was built just a few months before the Enterprise-D, which is absolutely ludicrous. That's like having a continuous run of Ford Model-T's while at the same time releasing the 2008 Ford Mustangs. And even if you ignore the stardate, it's still a new ship because it was launched not long after the Pegasus if registries are chronological, and the Pegasus was a new Oberth. It also doesn't help that the Tsiolkovsky's registry was NCC-53911, when it should have been NCC-70000 or something similar. It boggles my mind why Okuda chose to give such high registries to the Oberth and Excelsior classes. But more on this mess in my essay.
quote:The Prometheus is just a case of the scenic art not lining up with the exterior visual effects. I opt to go with the MSD's "NX-74913".
And I personally think the people responsible for the exterior visual effects for the Prometheus were the same guys who gave the First Contact ships such low registries too. Maybe they thought 5XXXX and 6XXXX were really high (or maybe they were just really high... )
Either way, both the FC ships and the Oberth problem throw a monkey wrench into the works. The Akira, Norway, Steamrunner and Saber classes are obviously contemporaries to the Sovereign and Nova classes, but their registries are too low. I've heard the hypothesis that they are all in fact refitted from older designs, but that doesn't hold water, IMHO. If that was the case, then why haven't all the Excelsiors, Mirandas and Oberths been refitted to look more modern?
quote: Following up my own comment... With all the work being done on Star Trek Remastered and the Director's Editions of TMP and TWOK, I'd love to see them "remaster" TNG and at least part of DS9 and VOY, where they couldn't do what they originally intended due to time or budget constraints. Within reason, of course. The Hood was originally supposed to be what would later evolve into the Ambassador class, but the Excelsior-Hood has enough recognition now tha tI don't know if replacing it with a suitably-labelled Ambassador would be a good idea.
But I do think all the Oberths should be actual Oberths, and not re-uses of the Grissom miniature -- unless that is the sort of ship that was actually needed.
1. As much as I would like to see that happen as well, it probably won't, and
2. Even if they did, there's no sense in remastering the VFX if they're just going to replace the model shots and stock footage of the Excelsiors and Oberths with CGI of the same type of ships. If they were going to replace the Tsiolkovsky or the Hood with new designs, great, but then that would negate the Encyclopedia and any Okudagrams showing the original info, and I just don't think Okuda et. al will do that.
-------------------- "A film made in 2008 isn't going to look like a TV series from 1966 if it wants to make any money. As long as the characters act the same way, and the spirit of the story remains the same then it's "real" Star Trek. Everything else is window dressing." -StCoop
Registered: Jun 2000
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posted April 21, 2008 10:19 PM
Well, I dismiss stardates for the most part, even though the live dates in the 24th century episodes are pretty much consistent. However, regarding the correlation of (star)dates and registries, the latter could be still considered chronological if you take into account runabouts and other small ships. Perhaps some time around 2330 Starfleet decided to give them "real" NCC registries. This wouldn't really explain why since the 2360s the registries rise only slowly, though.
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
Registered: Mar 1999
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posted April 21, 2008 11:30 PM
What about new members joining the UFP and signing over a bunch of their ships to Starfleet. If those new members had a whole crap-load of ships, which were then given NCC registries once there were passed over to Starfleet, that could account for the dramatic rise in the NCC numbers.
Registered: Oct 2007
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posted April 22, 2008 12:03 AM
Perhaps, rather than ships from new members getting assigned NCC registries they get classified with another scheme? We've seen Vulcan vessels with NSP, and then there's the NAR registries, perhaps for miscellaneous?
-------------------- I haul cardboard and cardboard accessories
Registered: Mar 1999
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posted April 22, 2008 02:13 AM
NCC is for active Starfleet only. NAR seems to have something to do with the Federation Science Council. NSP seems to be Vulcan's system registry. NDT Earth or the Sol system. NGL some Federation civilian transport/freight authority... Et cetera.
-------------------- "That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age."
--David "Woody" Wooderson, Dazed and Confused
Registered: Feb 2001
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posted April 22, 2008 05:25 AM
To my knowledge there wasn't ever an "NDT" reg, though there was a "NFT", which I took as meaning "Federation Transport". Not that I'd assign English based acronyms to all the others, for the most part I'm sure the letters have no specific meaning beyond their application. As for NAR, I always took that as the Earth registry. For one thing it was on the apparantly impulse only shuttle assigned to spacedock (SD-103) in ST:VI, so I doubt NAR is specifically a science vessel designation. Likewise I take NSP to be the Vulcan registry, not specifically the Vulcan science registry since that would make for an impractical number of variations. The way I see it N = Federation (including all member governments) and the other two are planet regs (AR=Earth SP=Vulcan), with the exception of CC which is course be Starfleet.
quote:Originally posted by Reverend: To my knowledge there wasn't ever an "NDT" reg, though there was a "NFT", which I took as meaning "Federation Transport".
The SS Milan, NDT-50863, was the transport that brought the Rozhenkos to rendezvous with the Enterprise in TNG's "New Ground".
-------------------- "That's what I like about these high school girls, I keep getting older, they stay the same age."
--David "Woody" Wooderson, Dazed and Confused
Registered: Feb 2001
| IP: Logged
quote:Originally posted by Reverend: To my knowledge there wasn't ever an "NDT" reg, though there was a "NFT", which I took as meaning "Federation Transport".
The SS Milan, NDT-50863, was the transport that brought the Rozhenkos to rendezvous with the Enterprise in TNG's "New Ground".
An opportunity for TNG-R?
-------------------- Bernd Schneider
Registered: Mar 1999
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Teh PW
Self Impossed Exile (This Space for rent)
Member # 1203
posted April 22, 2008 09:37 PM
SEE! Even the Old Jermain guy agrees with me! and that means TNG-R will work!
Gentlemen! Behold! A Wyrmhole! (What the hellllllllllllllll.......) God Dammmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....
quote:Originally posted by Reverend: To my knowledge there wasn't ever an "NDT" reg, though there was a "NFT", which I took as meaning "Federation Transport".
The SS Milan, NDT-50863, was the transport that brought the Rozhenkos to rendezvous with the Enterprise in TNG's "New Ground".
Serves me right for trusting Memory Alpha! Perhaps it's just coincidence that both transport related regs happened to have a 'T' in there. The alternative that all Federation civilian transports have a reg prefixed in an 'N*T' pattern means there's at most 26 variations; not enough to justify the middle letter standing for a planet and even less likely it stands for the type of vessel, or anything similarly insignificant. So 'FT' and 'DT' are just two random planet designators. The Rozhenko's transport need not have come from Earth, since it's unlikely that there just happened to be a transport from Sol to whatever sector the E-D happened to be at the time. More likely they had to change ships several times to get out that far, so the Milan would be registered to either which ever planet they visited for the last leg of it's the reg for Bilana III itself..