Got mine yesterday. With all the JJ-Universe crap going on, it's nice to see that they ('they' as in Okuda, this is a licensed thing, apparently) still do this stuff for us old schoolers. And I thought this kind of literature was dead.
It covers everything from NX01 to 1701E. The part on the D reads like an updated Sternbach Tech Manual, same goes for the 1701/A parts. B and C are a little light, but I suppose there's not much to say. Hardcover, shiny full-color images and renderings, I have to say. And the errors are... well, on par with the previous Tech Manuals. Not the Star Charts/Starship Spotter crapfest. Text reminded me of the Fact Files; why give a small, precise chart of stats if you can have a massive text with virtually identical content?
-------------------- "This is great. Usually it's just cardboard walls in a garage."
Registered: Nov 2001
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posted October 31, 2010 09:37 AM
I think the cover is very uninspiring. I mean... black and white image, reflex blue cover, and... Helvetica? I hope the inside's prettier.
Registered: Oct 1999
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posted October 31, 2010 11:45 PM
While its nice that it discusses all the Enterprises of the Primeverse, it would be nice if they had also mentioned the Defiant and Voyager, and some of the more prominent background ships like the Excelsior or the Nebula. I would really love a Star Trek equivalent of the Star Wars Essential Guide to Vehicle and Vessels, filled with the many (canon) ships of the Star Trek universe.
Registered: Feb 2005
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posted November 01, 2010 09:44 AM
Yikes. The text reads as if they lifted right off of wikipedia. Even the old fact files felt at least a little more in depth and coherent than that. What a wasted opportunity.