From BoBW I and II, there is a debate about the class and registry of Admiral Hanson's flagship. The ship that rendezvous's with the Enterprise is a Excelsior(from stock footage) and there is a rumor that Hanson's flagship is the Melbourne. Many believe that the ship is the Melbourne and that Hanson uses it as the flagship while others believe it's only serving as a transport to Hanson's real flagship; the script also says that it is the former. However, the Melbourne was also a Nebula at the time which throws another wrench into that idea. Secondly Hanson is speaking with Picard over subspace a number(can't recall on the top of my head) appears in one the corners of the screen. Some have taken that as the registry of said Excelsior. However, other's have stated that the same number appears in subsequent episodes without Hanson(he's dead), so chances are that it is probably some sort of subspace channel number or something.
did I miss anything?
------------------ -I'm not principal of the line, mother. -And you never will be...
[This message has been edited by USS Vanguard (edited July 15, 1999).]
The Melbourne is the ship Hanson uses as his flagship in the ill-fated armada at Wolf 359. Now, whether the Melbourne is a Nebula or an Excelsior, I believe it's an Excelsior. The Nebula Class ship (What's left of it anyway) we see in the corner of the viewscreen of the Enterprise-D could be another ship that was destroyed in the battle like the USS Bellerophone(sp.) or what I think is the USS Liberator(Refer to the Art of Star Trek book).
The Melbourne wasn't intended to be Hanson's ship, since the Melbourne was a Nebula at the time.
The number, 40274 (IIRC), is a production code of some sort. Okuda talked about it in a post that I thought I had somewhere.
------------------ RB: "'Get a life' is a phrase heard a lot, though I have never known exactly what kind was implied. Seems a lot of shallowness and greed is the rule." CS: "I guess that it means the kind of life led by the characters of 'Dawson's Creek' or 'The Simpsons'."
[This message has been edited by The Shadow (edited July 07, 1999).]
Hanson said in dialogue 'I'm making the Melbourne my flag ship'. Or was that only in the script and never made it to the screen? Anyway, it comes down to how you define a flagship.
In traditional naval parlance a flagship is the ship on which an Admiral flies his flag. So if Hanson was already on board the Melbourne before Wolf 359 he wouldn't need to make it his flagship as it already would be. Hence, it's not a huge leap to see him moving his flag to a better ship (from an Excelsior to a Nebula).
But Star Trek uses flagship is a sloppy fashion. The Enterprise is often called a flagship despite having no flag rank officer on board.
The First One
A lovely little thinker, but a bugger when he's pissed
Member # 35
That line isn't in on-screen dialogue. There's no mention of the Melbourne between Riker's refusal of the command and Shelby's identification of the wreck. But then their reactions make more sense - when the hulk is spotted, the expressions don't say "Crikey! Will was nearly on that ship!" but more like "Oh, no! That's Admiral Hansen's ship! He must be dead after all!"
As for the flagship, there are flagships and flagships! The Enterprise-D was the flagship of the whole fleet, but there are lots of Admirals who porbably have their own flagships. . . either that or the term as it refers to a ship commanded by an Admiral is no longer used. Note that in ST:FC they said "the admniral's ship has been destroyed," not "the (admiral's) flagship has been destroyed."
Note also that it's never been established that the Enterprise-E is now the flagship. . .
I think it's important to keep in mind that Shelby wasn't pointing at each individual ship when she mentioned it. I think the line was...
"The Gage. The Kyushu. The Melbourne."
"And that one over there is the Gage, and that one that's drifting over there is the Kyushu..."
------------------ Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift. Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift. Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
Hmmm... That's pretty cool how my sig is centred, too...
------------------ Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift. Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift. Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
Eh? Well, close enough, and besides, I think my point is still valid.
------------------ Josh: I think they're getting to know each other a bit too well, if you catch my drift. Me: Oh, I agree. I think they're spending too much time together, that is of course, if you catch my drift. Asher: I think he's *ucking her, and he's cheating on his wife, and he's risking his marriage, and if his wife finds out about it she'll leave him and take their son, and his life will be ruined. If you catch my drift...
Vanguard: Could you alter your entry to mention the line in the script that IDC mentioned, and that the Melbourne was a Nebula at the time? Thanks.
------------------ RB: "'Get a life' is a phrase heard a lot, though I have never known exactly what kind was implied. Seems a lot of shallowness and greed is the rule." CS: "I guess that it means the kind of life led by the characters of 'Dawson's Creek' or 'The Simpsons'."
[looks at monkey wrench he is about to throw into the fray]
According to the scripts from Paramount for BoBW Hanson was suppost to be on the bridge of a Galaxy Class starship. These were mentioned at the begining of the script where they talk about which sets are going to be used for different scenes. Galen if we can corral those scripts from the Admiral or Captain Henline we might be able to get it scanned in for people to view.
------------------ -=/\=- Captain Stark
"The man on the top walks a lonely path. The chain of command is often a noose." Dr. Leonard McCoy --Obsession, Stardate: 3619.2