Here's the Pasteur model. It says NCC-58925. This number was in AGT. Now here's the early version of the dedication plaque, from the "Journey's End" TNG thing (not the episode). It says NCC-58928. We know the plaque was changed before the final version was made (Hope-class to Olympic-class), so maybe they changed the registry to match the model. Or maybe this is another Br*ttain.
------------------ "If you feel that there is some intelligent reason why the immortality and happiness of 600 people should outweigh doubled life-spans and freedom from disease for billions, feel free to let me know. Surely, if they were one-tenth as moral and caring as they claimed to be, they would have shared their incredible discovery." - Mike Wong
[This message has been edited by The Shadow (edited August 04, 1999).]
"Marin County Starfleet Yards, Skywalker Division"?!
------------------ "Timeline? This is no time to argue about time. We don't have the time!" *pause* "Now what was I saying?" -Counselor Troi, drunk on tequila, Star Trek: First Contact
One word on the dedication plaque tells me to trust rather the number on the nacelle pylon.
------------------ "Since we know that the frames are 1/24 of a second, this means that the time delay between the two frames above is 0.83 seconds. If Alderaan was roughly Earth-like in size, then the first frame shows a superheated debris cloud roughly 17500 km wide, with large trails of debris that extend to a width of roughly 31000 km." Mike Wong Ex Astris Scientia
Since I'm new to starshipping, I'll operate under the assumption Bernd is referring to the word "Hope."
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
*LOL* Oh no... This must be the work of the same guy that got the extra cheque from Berman over at Micro Machines... He's now transferred to the art department at Paramount and is somehow receiving benefits from George Lucas...
And I thought they changed it to the Olympic class...
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")