I have created this schematic of the Dauntless (and others) and I wanted everyone to nitpick it. I want to know anything that you see wrong with it.
------------------ Photon torpedoes, once a finite supply, haven't been a problem since all those Wal-Marts opened up in the Delta Quadrant. -Jim Wright
------------------ Photon torpedoes, once a finite supply, haven't been a problem since all those Wal-Marts opened up in the Delta Quadrant. -Jim Wright
------------------ Sheridan: "Well, as answers go, short, to the point, utterly useless and totally consistant with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon..." Kosh: "Good." Sheridan: "I REALLY hate it when you do that..." Kosh: "Good."
So was there really a ship named USS Dauntless NCC-01? In theroy, the villan could of got the data from his sweep of Voyager's computer system, then created the ship to appear as if Starfleet made a successor to the ship. But that goes against the theroy that only the Enterprise can have alphabetic additions to thier regisry... just some thoughts.
Okuda has said that he doesn't think the Dauntless' registry reflected a real Starfleet vessel. I tend to agree with that sentiment. Then again, there's no absolute evidence against such a claim.
------------------ "Stirs a large iron pot. Casting a spell on Vermont." -- John Linnell
Wow! Vorlie! I knew you'd eventually make a better Dauntless schematic.
BTW, what program do you use? Illustrator? Photoshop?
------------------ Photon torpedoes, once a finite supply, haven't been a problem since all those Wal-Marts opened up in the Delta Quadrant. -Jim Wright
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
The Vorlon is like Elvis. Everyone keeps seeing him around, even though he's actually dead. Oh, wait... :-)
Anyhow, we already know the Enterprises aren't the only ships to get suffixed registries. Even if, for some strange reason, you won't accept the Yamato, there's also the Relativity. Of course, I don't believe SF's first registry was "01", nor do I think the ship was necessarily named "Dauntless", but I can still make my point... :-)
------------------ "Agh! Save me from the wee turtles!" -Groundskeeper Willy, The Simpsons
[This message has been edited by TSN (edited November 02, 1999).]
Vorlon: Let me guess: Fact Files. Your schematic is just too precise to be derived from screencaps. On the other hand, Black Knight's schematic which is apparently completely hand-made looks almost the same. My regards to both of you.
Wes: The theory has been discussed here some time ago, and I like it, for the crew was not suspicious about the weird registry. I don't think that Arturis got this important detail wrong, while he perfectly imitated the rest of the Starfleet look. This would be like faking a Porsche 356 and sticking a Ferrari logo on it. The new encyclopedia has no clue about it, either: "The Dauntless's fake registry number was NX-01A".
Is it just me, or do the nacelles seema bit short?
------------------ "Fire, Fire!" said Mrs O'Dwyer. "Where, where?" said Mrs O'Hare. "Down in the town." said Mrs Brown. "Lord bless us and save us" said old Mrs Davis. "I never knew a herring was a fish."
I think other ships have letters after their registry numgers. I thought i read somewhere that the next soverign was going to be the Hood. Whatever its number is i saw a C after it.
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