Well, I agree that the Soyuzes may be older then we think. Take the Galaxy/Nebula problem. One would think, from appearance, that the Nebula derived from the Galaxy, when in fact, the Nebulas came first. It is possible that the Soyuzs came first, and the Mirandas were based off the Soyuz and formed a new class.
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
But keep in mind that the Bozeman rego NCC-1941 implies that it was built/commissioned after the Reliant NCC-1864 and other early Miranda-class ships.
It is reasonable to assume that the Bozeman we here of in Generations and First Contact is Bateman's. We just can't be sure that it is the Miranda vessel(s) we actually get to see.
------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
Dax: I initially thought the same thing you did. However, it would be possible for the regos to be chronological, especially if we say that the Bozeman was one of the last Soyuz-class ships to be commissioned/built. Nothing says that Starfleet had to stop making Soyuzes once the Mirandas went into production.
IP: Logged
I think this whole problem stems from the fact that they were going to build an entirely new class of ship from the TOS era... but they ran out of funding for the episode... Thus the line in CandE was left in about its decommissioning date... and then further references i.e. the tech manual references were made because of its similarity to the Miranda - when it should have looked like a TOS ship.
------------------ "Its a CLOCK!" - Sisko, "Dramatis Personae" DS9.
in some of the opening scenes of DS:9, the panoramic view of the space station often shows a miranda-looking vessel orbiting near by. Thing is, it has one of those big guns on it. Any one else seen this? IMO, it's a Soyuz class vessel because they were taken out of mothballs for the war.
Yes, Striker, I remember seeing that Miranda-ish vessel orbiting the far side (from the camera) of DS9. For some reason I never bothered to take a good look at it. I should have though because it always struck me as looking a bit unusual. Do you remember what ep(s) you saw it in?
------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
Personally I would not mothball a ship 5 Months out of spacedock, perserved by a temporal anomoly, and reasilly refited by 2370's technology
Registered: Mar 1999
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Although I haven't had a good look, I suppose the DS9 ship might be the Bozeman. Even so, I have to wonder what sort of condition the Bozeman would be in after facing a Borg cube (in FC).
------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
Well, in the comm chatter in FC, they told the Defiant and Bozeman to fall back to Mobile Position 1 or something, which means they were sort of on the outskirts of the battle, and less likely to take damage.
Of course, the way Defiant looked, Bozeman might have taken one helluva pounding...
------------------ "The things hollow--it goes on forever--and--oh my God!--it's full of stars!" -David Bowman's last transmission back to Earth, 2001: A Space Odyssey
Mobile Position 1 sounds quite a bit more dangerous than, say, Mobile Position 47 - let alone Static Position 1, which would mean the distance between the ship and the Cube grows at warp 9.8 or so! .
In any case, the Defiant and the Bozeman seemed to have some sort of special status in the fleet if they warranted such a special order. Perhaps both ships were Defiant class vessels, or at least heavy-duty Borg-fighters? Or perhaps both had an uppity renegade as captain, and were slipping from their designated positions for a better view of the battle?
I like Obi Juan's idea that the Soyuz's were refit same as the Constitutions when the new nacelles came out but that the Miranda's were built from scratch with the new technology. In fact, it's possible that some of the tech from the refit Soyuz' was transferred to the brand spanking new Mirandas.
Of course the creator's budget blunder is the real reason, but I'm afraid I just can't accept that...
Here is what I think of the whole Bozeman/Soyuz issue:
-I go with Timo's suggestion that the Soyuz has been retired because they fulfilled a very special purpose and were suddenly not needed any longer. They might have been rebuilt to Mirandas. Otherwise it would make no sense to take a relatively new ship NCC-1941 out of service. Design flaws can always be corrected.
-I think the Miranda is the original ship and the Soyuz is a special version, rather than the Soyuz being some kind of Miranda prototype. It is unlikely that the ship is stripped of the additional pods and hull extensions and suddenly has better performance. The registries are another reason why the Soyuz is probably newer. There were almost definitely much fewer Soyuzes than Mirandas.
-The producers are obviously very fond of the small towns of Bozeman and Billings and the insignificant state of Montana. No offense to those who might live there. This is probably the reason why a Bozeman *had to be* in both Generations and FC. The Encyclopedia gives us the seemingly obvious explanation that it was the good old Bozeman NCC-1941 and Capt. Bateman. Objection: Temporal Prime Directive. The ship has to be sent back to where (better: when) it belongs. I'm pretty sure that such an order should exist.
-The DS9 phaser banks. Carelessness. Rick or whoever wrote it was looking for an old ship type from which the parts could have been taken. He made the worst possible choice. Neither were there suited ship*s* available, nor would they have had suited phaser emitters. I read the text several times, and it didn't make any sense. I don't want to go with complicated explanations of refitted mothballed ships.
------------------ "Naomi Wildman, sub-unit of Ensign Samantha Wildman, state your intentions." (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
I do sorta like the idea that several Soyuzes were made for a specific assignment or set of assignments and were then pulled from service, possibly to be refit somehow into more general vehicles. Either way, the Soyuz class would've been decommissioned. LaForge never really gave any circumstances surrounding the decommissioning. In fact he may not even know for sure what happened (kinda like us...)