After looking the Delta Flyer and the limited views that exist on Voyager. What exactly is the true layout of the Voyager's version of the runabout?
Thanks to Aban Rune for the suggestion.
------------------ "Science has a simple faith, which transcends utility. "
Vannevar Bush (1890�1974), U.S. electrical engineer, physicist.
The Delta Flyer (there's a pretty good description of the cockpit section in last month's Star Trek the Magazine) consists basically of a cockpit and cargo bay/ aft section. The door in the back of the cockpit leads to the cargo bay. There is presumably also a sub-flooring half deck underneath which houses equipment, computer cores, etc. I think the size of the Flyer is about half the size of a Danube class Runabout. Anyone have an exact length for the Flyer?
The size was supposed to be about 15 meters long, but it was changed. The estimate by it's creator was roughly the size of a runabout. The best estimate I've seen is is a length of about 23-25 meters, which is as about the same size as a Runabout.
That's a great schematic Altair. I'm still trying to figure out how there can be a step ladder down to the floor of the aft section from the cockpit when the butt of the ship slopes upward. I can't quite figure out the positioning of the aft section.
What ST:The Mag really should have had is a cutaway side view of the Flyer. Of course I doubt they would do ANYTHING that hasn't already been seen on the shows or movies.
Yes, I agree with Aban, they really don't want to show a true cutaway, but I have seen a few screen captures on the net that show the construction of the Flyer and it looks like it could have a split deck construction. One high deck for the cockpit and the other for the cargo and other stuff. But since it is the Voy's version of the runabout why should they show the full shuttle.
One thing though, what are the Borg enhancements on the shuttle anyway?
Yes Aban, you were right and thanks to Altair for the view of the schematics.
------------------ "Science has a simple faith, which transcends utility. "
Vannevar Bush (1890�1974), U.S. electrical engineer, physicist.
Part of the problem may be that the Flyer suffers from Millennium Falcon Syndrome. Larger inside than out. Possibly.
------------------ "The demon was an idea, the demon is awake. Scratch mark left across the surface of your mind. This hour now upon us, the hour has now arrived." -- Soul Coughing
I agree with Sol, that's also why they changed the size. But they couldn'n make it too big, because else it wouldn't fit through the shuttlebay door.
BTW: The schematic isn't mine, but I figured it would help, and I believe it did.
------------------ "Reality is a condition that occurs because of a lack of alcohol." - Albert Einstein
------------------ Sheridan: "Well, as answers go, short, to the point, utterly useless and totally consistant with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon..." Kosh: "Good." Sheridan: "I REALLY hate it when you do that..." Kosh: "Good."
Continuing on this Delta Flyer thread. Since its the Delta Quad's version of the runabout and apparently it has or had a functioning version of the transwarp unit. Why can't it just head home to the Alpha Quad to bring help?
------------------ "Science has a simple faith, which transcends utility. "
Vannevar Bush (1890�1974), U.S. electrical engineer, physicist.
------------------ Elim Garak: "Oh, it's just Garak. Plain, simple Garak. Now, good day to you, Doctor. I'm so glad to have made such an... interesting new friend today." (DS9: "Past Prologue")
$ $ $ $ $ $ $Timlesss spoilers $ $ $ $ $ Actually, Voyager generated the slipstream, and the delta flyer just flew ahead in the same slipstream to map the phase variations or whatever technobabble was used to describe the properties of the slipstream.
------------------ Obviously you refuse to cooperate with me. Obviously you have no discipline to kepp the mouth shut. Obviously you don't. Let's try it that way, then you might get the hint. How many more minutes are we going to waste asking you not to talk? How many more!?!
Yeah, all the engine tech that was ever installed on the Flyer has given out. I think it was Dark Frontier where they installed the Borg's stollen transwarp. But, as someone already said, that gave out.
I think the Flyer's Borg enhancements involve the sensors, shields and weapons. The front window in the cockpit looks vaguely Borgish too.