DS9 is an impressive space station. We saw it kick Doiminion, Cardassian and Klingon ass, but can it kick Romulan ass? One warbird had almost destroyed the station and I know it was a surprise attack. But in a fair fight DS9 should be able to take on a fleet of 20-30 warbirds.
posted DS9 cannot take a fleet of 20 Romulan warbirds. DS9 is very impressive, yes...but like all things in the universe, the station DS9 is limited in weaponaries by its initial structural design. For example, no matter how much time and or effort you put into it, an Oberth ship is still an oberth class; it cannot become or perform tasks that a Galaxy or Nebula can do.
warbird5: Yep, DS9 was destroyed by a single warbird in an alternate timeline in "Visionary". But like you said, this was a surprise attack and it was also before the station upgrades were completed (before "WotW").
The station should now be able to defend itself against multiple warbirds but 20 might be a bit too much to ask. How many ships were in the Klingon and Dominion fleets though? Hmmm...
------------------ "Forgive me if I don't share your euphoria!" (Weyoun to Dukat, Tears of the Prophets) Dax's Ships of STAR TREK
The station held against more than fifty ships in "Call to Arms" - since fifty were lost in the attempt to take it! This, however, probably includes midget ships like Cardie Hidekis and Dominion attack ships.
The DS9 TM indirectly says that the station in its upgraded-against-Dominion configuration should hold against at least 45 Galor ships. Given the pitiful showing of Galors in most episodes, I'd say that translates to something like three Romulan warbirds . Or ten to fifteen big Klingon ships plus their smaller escorts, as in "Way of the Warrior".
45 galors, sounds reasonable. Those figures for the Dominion fleet sound a bit optimistic, I'd have put that attack fleet strength at about 120 vessels. In WOTW there were (I believe) at least 80 vessels hitting DS9. Once again, though, it's really up to the VFX guys. They're hardly known for their consistency.
------------------ "That is the metaphorical equivalent of flopping your wedding tackle into a lions mouth and then flicking his love spuds with a wet towel". - Rimmer
Spoilers for DS9's "What You Leave Behind" follow...
But in WYLB, in the final battle sequence, the Warbirds were doing pretty badly and the Romulan lines were crumbling. i think 15 warbirds is reasonable number that DS9 can take. In Call to Arms they used attack ships, battlecruisers, galors, and keldons. And also in the final battle, how did the fleet get to Cardassia Prime from the front lines so fast? And how many ships were in that battle?
[ added spoiler space before someone complained ]
[This message has been edited by TSN (edited January 08, 2000).]
Speaking of starbases, I wonder what's the defensive strenght of a Starfleet spacedock? You'd think with a station that big, they'd install huge shield generators and lots of photon torpedoe launcher, as well as maybe some Type XI phasers but that's just my wish list. Since we have no canon info on the subject, what would be reasonable offensive and defensive capabilities for such a base?
------------------ -If you ask me, I think continuity is highly overrated... *Brannon Braga*
-Where were you when the brains were handed out? *Sonic the Hedgehog*
I would imagine, after all the refits and upgrades to all Starfleet facilities and ships, that Spacedock would have planetary phasers, lots of torpedo launchers that can fire quantum and photon, shields like the Prometheus Class, and a whole lot of escape pods.
------------------ Sometimes I run Sometimes I hide Sometimes I'm scared of you But all I really want is to hold you tight Treat you right, be with you day and night Baby all I need is time
Cardassia Prime is actually only 5 lys from Bajor, about the same distance from earth to alpha centauri, and could be crossed in less than ten hours at warp 8. I kind of viewed the federation alliance assault on cardassia prime in the last episode as a kind of last ditch assault to win the war before the dominion forces regrouped in cardassian space.
------------------ Obviously you refuse to cooperate with me. Obviously you have no discipline to kepp the mouth shut. Obviously you don't. Let's try it that way, then you might get the hint. How many more minutes are we going to waste asking you not to talk? How many more!?!
Maybe, but that 8000 is probably between the most extreme reaches of the Federation. Most of the UFP is contained in a much smaller area.
------------------ "The Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich. Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code. Plato invented the plate." -Holly, Red Dwarf: "Parallel Universe"
It seems strange that there were no heavier defences in the last leg of the assault against Cardassia Prime *before* the Fed/Klingon/Rommie/Cardie fleet reached the planet. The immediate defences around the planet were impressive, yet why weren't there defence platforms farther out? If even the pitiful DS9 of "Emissary" was threat enough to make three Galors hesitate (even counting O'Brien's little bluff with the fake torpedoes), shouldn't the Cardassian system have been littered with such platforms, each of which would have required part of the attention of the attacking fleet?
The war was fought with the Fed-allies almost constantly in close proximity of Cardassia Prime, at Bajor. If the Dominion-allies could hold the vast stretches of deep space in faraway frontiers against determined Fed-ally assaults, how come they couldn't fortify the very narrow stretch of space between Bajorn and Cardassia any better? Or had the Feds slowly eroded away the defences so that what little was left had to withdraw all the way back to the home system?
One would almost have to think that starbases and other fixed installations are worthless in anything but extreme point-blank defence of planets. It will do you no good to have a string or sphere of stations out at, say, the distance of Jupiter or Mars.