Jim Phelps
watches Voyager AFTER 51030
Member # 102
I just received a following e-mail from Mike Okuda, in response to a message I had posted on r.a.s.t. Mike's note is in reference to the "early" Defiant cutaway from the Star Trek Magazine.
///////// Jim Martin's "early" sketch was actually done very recently, years after the Defiant model and the sets were built. Jim says that he did not do any research into the ship when he did the drawing, but he thought that by labeling it as an "early" sketch, he could get away with any differences between the sketch and what the show (including Doug) has actually done. (Jim was one of the principal designers for the Defiant miniature, but he was not involved with the final version of the model, having left the show shortly after he completed his work.)
-Mike /////////////
I think this is as clear an answer as it could be as far as the designer's intentions are concerned.
I wonder what Jim Martin intended with his drawing, since he must have been aware that he might be wrong with facts established in the show he has not researched. So it could only cause additional confusion.